Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Mission Accomplished!!
Two posts ago I told you I got in a pool and attempted to swim, I have gone each week at least once well maybe I didn't go the week of Thanksgiving but I have stuck with it, each time getting a little more confident. Last week I was ready to try the full length but chickened out and told myself I might try this week but definitely by the end of the year was my goal. Today Dec 13, almost exactly one month since I started, I swam the full distance. perhaps it was the one on one today. I love the Tuesday/Thursday class because there is hardly anyone in the pool and usually only one other person in the class. As I drove home I told myself " I am stronger today than yesterday." I thought about it and really I should say that every day, What do I do each day that makes me a stronger person than yesterday, whether it is a stronger woman, a stronger mom, a stronger athlete, a stronger wife, a stronger friend.... what am I doing today that will make me stronger tomorrow.. Today I am a stronger athlete! and I am all smiles :)
Friday, November 25, 2011
South Davis Turkey Trot 2011

Although I feel like I haven't been doing much this month I have, I have been doing a ton of cross training, kickboxing, swimming,sadly I will be lucky to break 20 miles running.
Next month a new chapter begins, I will be starting Marathon training for the Salt Lake Marathon in April and the Ogden the in May. Whew! I am looking forward to next year!
ps I will also be looking for a Tri to do :)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Do I need a new blog name?
I have taken another step~Late spring I jumped on the cycling wagon, got a bike and did some rides. I always said this would be the winter I started to swim, Did I ever believe I would? let me give you some back ground-first off I love the water! I love to be in it I love to look at it! come on!! I'm a Pisces! I should live in it right?? Well when I was three I was at a family reunion up at Bear lake (Utah/Idaho boarder). My cousin (10 years old), let's call him Tommy, decided to take me and another cousin (5 years old), let's call him Bobby, out on a little raft.
You know what's coming right? We went out about 100 yards and Bobby started to rock the boat an we flipped it. This is the first memory I can recall, underwater plants, and I was so scared Jaws was coming for me.
Well Tommy held our heads above the water. I remember looking toward the beach and seeing my aunt Christine with her pants rolled up running toward us knowing I was gonna be ok cuz she was a nurse. And that's all I remember. Nice first memory huh?
So here I am 36 years old and I have had a terrifying fear of deep water. If I get in above my chest I start to panic. Well why am I telling you this big long story?? I attended a masters swim class yesterday! Anyone that knows me knows what a big deal this is for me! It is a huge step!
I can't believe I am doing it! I swam a little. I think once I can keep my hips and legs up and learn to breath while swimming it should come on pretty easy. I am so excited to think that maybe I will be doing a Triathlon next summer! Perhaps I should set a goal to do the Bear Lake Brawl, it is a Tri they do the swim part in Bear Lake. I would definitely feel I have conquered that fear if I can accomplish that!
I also started some other cross training activities and signed up for the Ogden Marathon again! I am excited for next year, I won't have so many events I am gonna work harder for the ones I am doing. This year was quantity, next year is quality! haha!

So here I am 36 years old and I have had a terrifying fear of deep water. If I get in above my chest I start to panic. Well why am I telling you this big long story?? I attended a masters swim class yesterday! Anyone that knows me knows what a big deal this is for me! It is a huge step!
I can't believe I am doing it! I swam a little. I think once I can keep my hips and legs up and learn to breath while swimming it should come on pretty easy. I am so excited to think that maybe I will be doing a Triathlon next summer! Perhaps I should set a goal to do the Bear Lake Brawl, it is a Tri they do the swim part in Bear Lake. I would definitely feel I have conquered that fear if I can accomplish that!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I want to INSPIRE!

There is nothing like the feeling you get when someone comes to you and says "I want to start running, can you help me?"! I have been running 3 years now! When I started I felt I was in a world of my own, trying to figure things out. I found an online forum on cafemom.com and made some distant friends on there, then I discovered dailymile.com through someone on there and started to log my miles. I had them post right to facebook. It felt silly at first, like I was bragging so I took it off and people asked if I was still running, they told me they loved to see what I was doing. So I added it back onto facebook.
Last summer my sister was having really bad foot problems her dr told her to start running! WOW! So I helped her and my other sister with a couch to 5k program. And they did it but my sister, the one with the foot problems, didn't like it and she stopped but my other sister kept going! She has even done a half marathon. This past summer out of the blue my oldest sister decided she was gonna start too. She wanted to run the family 5k at the reunion. I helped her find a program because she didn't have the full 9 weeks to do it, she ended up getting sick but she walked most of the 5k.
I had an open spot at Napa and I knew if I asked her she would do it so I did and I was soo right! She started training and she did the relay with me!
About a month ago I had another friend tell me she wanted to start she is on week 3 of the C25k! She posted that a month ago she couldn't even run 1 minute but that now she could run 3 minutes straight!!
Gosh I am so proud of my girls!! I hope I can always help and inspire them to be healthy and fit.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Napa Valley Ragnar Relay!
First let me start by saying this was THE BEST Ragnar yet!!
Last winter they announced this new location for Ragnar, sounded pretty nice I felt around and thought I could put a team together, got on Facebook and started hounding people. Finally got the monies and commitments in February and signed up! I was pretty excited but being in the Marathon brain I put it aside. Summer was crazy and before I knew it here we were in September and less than a month to go. We only had to replace two people after the original registration! So Van 1 ended up being Mitch and Erin Proctor, Clayton and Marcy Jones, Mike and Michelle Lamoreaux. Van 2 was Vanessa Christensen, Mary Howell, JaNae Eldredge, and my 2 sisters Anna and Wendy and of course me :)
We had some problems with our transmission and Don said he didn't think it was a good idea to take it, We got another van to take but Wednesday night as we packed we just couldn't do it. Don decided to let us take the Expedition, He did a quick oil change and transmission service on it while we packed it. Thank Heavens for such a wonderful man as my husband!!! We finally rolled out of Salt Lake around 8:30-9pm. We drove through the night. We switched drivers off and on to keep us going.
I woke up to a foggy, beautiful California! We were in the mountains it was so neat, we pulled off to take a potty break and decided to go to Denny's, since it was there. Well after breakfast we were on the rode again and drove to Oakland, across the bridge-ugh I had to drive that, sweaty palms and all!! and we finally came in to San Fransisco. We found our hotel but couldn't check in but they let us leave our luggage and we spent the rest of the day seeing the Golden Gate Bridge and Pier 39. It was sooo neat!
We saw dolphins in the bay and seals at the pier. We had clam chowder which was sooo good! We shopped and took tons of pictures of the bridge, Alcatraz and of various things on the pier. We were getting tired but wanted to go to Ghiradelli Square when we got there we realized we were hungry again so we went down the street and ate. Then we had to drive Lombard Street before we could go back to the hotel, it is the crookedest street in the world. I didn't even know if we would make the turns it was soo crazy!! We dropped of some of the girls at the hotel and went to the store to get some things we forgot and filled up on gas. Went back to the hotel and slept till 4am got up and headed to the start line it was sooooo cold!! Our start time was 6am. Well we checked in and went through the process (if you've done a Ragnar you know the drill :) ) We went to the start line and were hanging out. it was abotu 20 minutes to go when Van 2 came up!!! YAY!! we did pictures and sent JaNae on her way! We were completely confused by the instructions and went to the wrong place. We figured them out and got to JaNae, she had been waiting a few minutes. She said it was only about 5 but she was probably just being nice.
Well I felt great and off I went I knew I only had 2.7 mile so I wanted to do it fast but not over do it. lucky for me it was mostly downhill into Sausalito. OMG!! What a gorgeous run!! It was still a little dark when I ran but the longer I ran the lighter it got! my only disappointment was that I wasn't closer to the ocean, I could see it but wasn't very close. I ran and finished the 2.7 in 24 minutes! WOWZERS!! Handed off to my sister Anna-who has only been running a little over 2 months, this was her first event! She did soo good I am so proud of her!! Next Mary ran. She is my neighbor she is almost 19, Next was Vanessa, she has been running almost a year and did awesome the last was my other sister Wendy ran, she is going on 1 year of running and has been doing great and she did fabulous!
The exchanges were so fun! We had 4 cowbells, ribbon twirlers and bubbles! And we did tunnels as the ran in to exchange. we went on to our next exchange to wait for van 2 to do their runs we were all pretty tired since we hadn't really slept much but we were able to catch some zz's at the park.
My second run was sooo windy and there was lots of old smooshed roadkill haha!! It was almost sunset and we were on back country roads in Petaluma for this one, as I came into the exchange Anna was lit up in her night gear! this was the only run I did in shorts and a tank top. During Anna's run I am sure I put on more clothes bacause it was getting cool. I got a phone call from Kristi, Anna's daughter saying Anna thought she was lost. I called Anna back and as she was grabbing her phone she fell and scratched her knees and palms. But she kept going and she wasn't lost, some times you go so long with out seeing another runner or sign you worry you are lost. I know I felt the same way on my first run! She came in and we cleaned her up and headed on. We came to an exchange it was dark and there was a burger place -Sequoia Burger. It smelt sooo good so a couple of us got food here. At our next big exchange Anna and I slept in the expedition and everyone else slept in the school. In the morning Vanessa said her foot was really sore and was thinking maybe she would run part of her run and I told her I could finish it for her if she wanted.
I was most nervous for my next run because it was over 9 miles! I have never been to this part of California, in fact I have only been twice once when I was 12 and once when I was 14. When we came to this area the smells were fabulous! I just couldn't get enough of it! It was dark when I started this 9 mile run in Napa, but slowly it got lighter-I never saw the sun rise it was foggy and cloudy and COLD! but the day was here and I could see the vineyards. I didn't have my phone and it is a good thing or else I would have been taking pictures! It was a hard run along a highway up and down the roads. I wondered what the people driving by thought seeing the people running. We got to a point where we had to cross the road so I had to stop knowing there was just about a mile left. There was finally a break in traffic but 3 other girls had caught up to me, one I had passed :(. I couldn't keep up with her. as I was running down the road I could see the exchange and a man came out to get his newspaper. He watched a few runners go by and as I approached he said we were ambitious this morning. I said we started yesterday day in San Fransisco he was like "WOW! Congratulations!" HAHA! As I came into the exchange I thought I could hear Mary yelling me in but as I got there and looked and looked they weren't there!!! I asked if it was hard to find since I had been running for over an hour and a half! Well I asked to borrow a phone and not knowing anyone's number I called Don and he called them just as they realized they were at the wrong exchange! They finally came after about 20 minutes. We sent Anna off then Mary, We talked to Vanessa and she decided it was just too much and so Mary and I decided to split her run. I would do the first part and mary would come in and finish it. so When we got to that exchange I ran 2.6 miles around a college campus and handed off to Mary. My running in Cali was over! I was done! I ended up running over 19 miles this weekend! We went to our final exchange then to the finish line to wait. We were originally scheduled to finish around 3 but I don't think we finished till almost 5. We were one of the first to start and one of the last to finish. I don't mind, I did this to have fun and it was so much more than that!! When our other van came the anticipation was crazy!! it was so excited!! There is nothing like a finish line!! We finished!!! Finally!! but sadly our Ragnar was over. We headed to the hotel and then decided to go out to dinner at Applebees. I could barely eat. we decided to just get up when ever and go we woke up about 6:30 and headed back to Salt Lake. We had fun talking and being crazy girls on the way home. We rolled into my house about 10:30pm. Like I said at the beginning this was the funnest Ragnar I have done yet!! I can't wait to go to Vegas with a van full of MY family next month!!
Last winter they announced this new location for Ragnar, sounded pretty nice I felt around and thought I could put a team together, got on Facebook and started hounding people. Finally got the monies and commitments in February and signed up! I was pretty excited but being in the Marathon brain I put it aside. Summer was crazy and before I knew it here we were in September and less than a month to go. We only had to replace two people after the original registration! So Van 1 ended up being Mitch and Erin Proctor, Clayton and Marcy Jones, Mike and Michelle Lamoreaux. Van 2 was Vanessa Christensen, Mary Howell, JaNae Eldredge, and my 2 sisters Anna and Wendy and of course me :)
We had some problems with our transmission and Don said he didn't think it was a good idea to take it, We got another van to take but Wednesday night as we packed we just couldn't do it. Don decided to let us take the Expedition, He did a quick oil change and transmission service on it while we packed it. Thank Heavens for such a wonderful man as my husband!!! We finally rolled out of Salt Lake around 8:30-9pm. We drove through the night. We switched drivers off and on to keep us going.
I woke up to a foggy, beautiful California! We were in the mountains it was so neat, we pulled off to take a potty break and decided to go to Denny's, since it was there. Well after breakfast we were on the rode again and drove to Oakland, across the bridge-ugh I had to drive that, sweaty palms and all!! and we finally came in to San Fransisco. We found our hotel but couldn't check in but they let us leave our luggage and we spent the rest of the day seeing the Golden Gate Bridge and Pier 39. It was sooo neat!
We saw dolphins in the bay and seals at the pier. We had clam chowder which was sooo good! We shopped and took tons of pictures of the bridge, Alcatraz and of various things on the pier. We were getting tired but wanted to go to Ghiradelli Square when we got there we realized we were hungry again so we went down the street and ate. Then we had to drive Lombard Street before we could go back to the hotel, it is the crookedest street in the world. I didn't even know if we would make the turns it was soo crazy!! We dropped of some of the girls at the hotel and went to the store to get some things we forgot and filled up on gas. Went back to the hotel and slept till 4am got up and headed to the start line it was sooooo cold!! Our start time was 6am. Well we checked in and went through the process (if you've done a Ragnar you know the drill :) ) We went to the start line and were hanging out. it was abotu 20 minutes to go when Van 2 came up!!! YAY!! we did pictures and sent JaNae on her way! We were completely confused by the instructions and went to the wrong place. We figured them out and got to JaNae, she had been waiting a few minutes. She said it was only about 5 but she was probably just being nice.
Well I felt great and off I went I knew I only had 2.7 mile so I wanted to do it fast but not over do it. lucky for me it was mostly downhill into Sausalito. OMG!! What a gorgeous run!! It was still a little dark when I ran but the longer I ran the lighter it got! my only disappointment was that I wasn't closer to the ocean, I could see it but wasn't very close. I ran and finished the 2.7 in 24 minutes! WOWZERS!! Handed off to my sister Anna-who has only been running a little over 2 months, this was her first event! She did soo good I am so proud of her!! Next Mary ran. She is my neighbor she is almost 19, Next was Vanessa, she has been running almost a year and did awesome the last was my other sister Wendy ran, she is going on 1 year of running and has been doing great and she did fabulous!
The exchanges were so fun! We had 4 cowbells, ribbon twirlers and bubbles! And we did tunnels as the ran in to exchange. we went on to our next exchange to wait for van 2 to do their runs we were all pretty tired since we hadn't really slept much but we were able to catch some zz's at the park.
My second run was sooo windy and there was lots of old smooshed roadkill haha!! It was almost sunset and we were on back country roads in Petaluma for this one, as I came into the exchange Anna was lit up in her night gear! this was the only run I did in shorts and a tank top. During Anna's run I am sure I put on more clothes bacause it was getting cool. I got a phone call from Kristi, Anna's daughter saying Anna thought she was lost. I called Anna back and as she was grabbing her phone she fell and scratched her knees and palms. But she kept going and she wasn't lost, some times you go so long with out seeing another runner or sign you worry you are lost. I know I felt the same way on my first run! She came in and we cleaned her up and headed on. We came to an exchange it was dark and there was a burger place -Sequoia Burger. It smelt sooo good so a couple of us got food here. At our next big exchange Anna and I slept in the expedition and everyone else slept in the school. In the morning Vanessa said her foot was really sore and was thinking maybe she would run part of her run and I told her I could finish it for her if she wanted.
I was most nervous for my next run because it was over 9 miles! I have never been to this part of California, in fact I have only been twice once when I was 12 and once when I was 14. When we came to this area the smells were fabulous! I just couldn't get enough of it! It was dark when I started this 9 mile run in Napa, but slowly it got lighter-I never saw the sun rise it was foggy and cloudy and COLD! but the day was here and I could see the vineyards. I didn't have my phone and it is a good thing or else I would have been taking pictures! It was a hard run along a highway up and down the roads. I wondered what the people driving by thought seeing the people running. We got to a point where we had to cross the road so I had to stop knowing there was just about a mile left. There was finally a break in traffic but 3 other girls had caught up to me, one I had passed :(. I couldn't keep up with her. as I was running down the road I could see the exchange and a man came out to get his newspaper. He watched a few runners go by and as I approached he said we were ambitious this morning. I said we started yesterday day in San Fransisco he was like "WOW! Congratulations!" HAHA! As I came into the exchange I thought I could hear Mary yelling me in but as I got there and looked and looked they weren't there!!! I asked if it was hard to find since I had been running for over an hour and a half! Well I asked to borrow a phone and not knowing anyone's number I called Don and he called them just as they realized they were at the wrong exchange! They finally came after about 20 minutes. We sent Anna off then Mary, We talked to Vanessa and she decided it was just too much and so Mary and I decided to split her run. I would do the first part and mary would come in and finish it. so When we got to that exchange I ran 2.6 miles around a college campus and handed off to Mary. My running in Cali was over! I was done! I ended up running over 19 miles this weekend! We went to our final exchange then to the finish line to wait. We were originally scheduled to finish around 3 but I don't think we finished till almost 5. We were one of the first to start and one of the last to finish. I don't mind, I did this to have fun and it was so much more than that!! When our other van came the anticipation was crazy!! it was so excited!! There is nothing like a finish line!! We finished!!! Finally!! but sadly our Ragnar was over. We headed to the hotel and then decided to go out to dinner at Applebees. I could barely eat. we decided to just get up when ever and go we woke up about 6:30 and headed back to Salt Lake. We had fun talking and being crazy girls on the way home. We rolled into my house about 10:30pm. Like I said at the beginning this was the funnest Ragnar I have done yet!! I can't wait to go to Vegas with a van full of MY family next month!!
One Crazy Summer!
I had decided early on in the year I wanted to do one race a month. SO January I squeezed in the New year 5k, February the Sweethearts 5k, March the St Patrick's Day 5k and Canyonlands Half Marathon, April I decided to skip because I couldn't fit anything in good with my marathon training schedule so I guess doing 2 in march counts right? :) So in May was my first marathon, About this time I found a trail runnign series I thought sounded cool so I signed up and that was one a month through the summer, June I did Wasatch Back and the Park City Mini Trail Series 5k. July, the PCMTS 10k and August gave me the 15k. Well as August slowly came around I was itching for a half I knew I had one later in the month but I just really loved the Moonlight half last year so I decided to do it again. So I did the half the night before the 15k. I also did Top Of Utah Half two weeks after the Moonlight Half-which makes me a half fanatic. :) oh but the most anticipated race of the year is now over-Napa Valley Ragnar-which I will blog about in a moment. So to finish off my year I have one more Ragnar a half and 2? 5k's. which will give me one a month (but April ) Pretty successful running year!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Wasatch Back 2011

second run was at about midnight and it was COLD!!! I wish I would have had my gloves! my hand kept going numb.8.23 in 1:33. pretty awful time, I was tired and it was all uphill up a mountain yes seriously up a mountain... When I got to the top and could look down onto the exchange I think the temp dropped 10 degrees-could've been the lake. I dunno!

Monday, May 23, 2011
Ogden's Spring Run Off Marathon
I have been very emotional for the last few weeks, I would tear up when I would see and read an email from them. When I thought too much about it I would tear up. It has been pretty crazy. This past week it is all I could think about. I could hardly do anything. I spent one day watching tv all day so I wouldn't think about it. But Friday came, The game plan was for me to drive pick up Wendy and head to Bridgette's. After a few days of thinking about this I thought oh my gosh what if I can't drive? I will have to take another trip up to get my car!! I talked to Wendy and Bridgette and we had a change of plans, Wendy would come down, get me then Bridgette would come to Wendy's and pick both of us up. So that is what we did.
When we got to Wendy's we headed over to the Expo at Union Station.
We got our packets. there is soo much excitement at an expo! I love to see all the fun stuff too. After we were done there We were on search of a good restaurant. We didn't find one and ended up at chili's. I thought they had chicken alfredo but they didn't and I ended up getting a country fried steak-phhst big no no huh?
I was fine I only ate a little bit of it because of my nerves and the chips and salsa lol.
We got a movie and headed back to Bridgette's house got settled in, watched the movie and went to bed. I slept a little. I thought my alarm would go off at 3:10 I woke up at 2:50 so I played on my phone, when my alarm didn't go off I was worried so I checked my alarm and it was to go off at 3:40 lol so I got off my phone and laid in bed drifting, finally alarms started going off.
We got dressed and headed out to the shuttle pick up. Wendy and I were dropped off at the same spot since our pick ups were across the street from each others. We waited around and finally Angela started texting me saying she was there so we went and found her and Wendy left to go to her bus. We goofed off in our nervous selves. Greg, Angela, Charles and Charles' friend were standing waiting for Sonia who then texted saying she was there so we went and found her and her friends.

We finally got on our bus, we were lucky that we got on a shuttle bus, it had a bathroom in it and we all took turns using it. That turned out wonderfully because when we got to the start line the port-o-potties were in the mud! We didn't even have to get in it we just stayed on the road. I said I don't think I am nervous any more I am just so excited! It was soo neat to be up at the start line knowing I was about to run 26.2 miles!! 26.2!! I was soo anxious! They ended up starting about 15 minutes late. but we were finally off! There was a helicopter flying above taking pictures of 3000 crazy people starting to run 26.2 miles! I started off good and found it very difficult to stay in my targeted pace and my watch kept going off telling me to slow down. It was sooo hard to try to stay there when you are running down hill. I finally gave up and turned the alarm off and set a good pace. I ran to about the 3rd water stop and grabbed a drink and walked long enough to drink and kept on going I did this about every 2-3 water stop.
I knew my cousin was running the third leg in the relay so when I was getting close to her exchange I looked all over for her and I watched for her throughout the leg distance and even at her finish but I never saw her. I kept going kind of bummed I didn't see her. During this time we came to an incline. Almost everyone around me was walking so I started to walk and thought this is crazy I feel great so I got back to running (I only walked about 10-15 steps). I ran clear through to mile 17 when I really started to hurt (this is also where I had trouble in training). My legs started to hurt, and I tried to run but would start walking a little more and more.
I got to an aid station where they actually had first aid and they had icy hot and sunblock. I got my shoulders sprayed with SB and my legs rubbed down with the icy hot. My legs felt soo much better and I was able to continue on. mile 22 I really was soo done The 5 hour pacers had caught me and I could hear the pacer saying now s the time to dig deep find someone to dedicate this mile to. JaNae had asked me to run a mile for her so I did 22 for her, thru her strength I got through it and mile 23 I dedicated to Hayley, both "my fallen running buds". during the 23 mark we came out of the canyon and onto a walking trail. There were soo many people I just couldn't walk. I don't think I walked through another water stop. I was running pretty slow though it took every ounce of energy to make it. Don had texted me at some point saying he was at 24th street I didn't know what he meant but when we finally turned onto another road I saw a stop light ahead it said 21st street. Someone shouted just 5 blocks to go!! I counted down the lights I knew the finish was on 25th street. I knew where to look for Don. slowly I ran, as I saw all the lines of people and the stop lights became less and less finally I was past 23rd street and started scanning for don and the kids. I think I saw Cora first I took my visor and sunglasses off (I hardly used them anyway since the sun was on my back the whole time) and through them at her. All of a sudden Don was at my side almost pushing me, the pacer lady had passed me but she was just in front of me and I picked up my pace a teensy and passed her right before we crossed. the clock said 5:05:.
I didn't know if I wanted to collapse or what I was in a huge daze. I didn't know where to go or what to do. I told Don to go back to the kids. so he did. I went and got an orange slice and just wanted to sit but the grass was all wet. I found a dry spot and sat for a few minutesI knew i had beaten the 5 hour mark. My watch said 4:55 so I sent a text to my friends that I finished in 4:55. Then my phone pretty much died. i got back up and walked around in soo much pain. I couldn't stand in line for a massage so I decided to leave the runners area and find my family. I wanted to go home. We went and bought my 26.2 charm and then walked to the car. Drove to Bridgette's and got my stuff and headed home.
I had to stop twice at the bathrooms. I rarely had to stop when I trained so this was discouraging to me. But they were VERY quick stops! although the second one I just wanted to sit... I forgot I had stopped my watch when I went in the bathroom but I was still confidant I made my 5 hour goal because I passed in front of the 5 hour pacer and she should have finished about 3 minutes before the 5 hour point.
Waited all day for results to be posted but they never were. I finally saw on facebook that they were posted and so I went and looked it up. My heart sank, I almost cried it said 5:00:18. How could I have missed my goal by 18 seconds! 18 SECONDS!!! I was pretty cranky the rest the night. I woke up at 2:30 and couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to get up I got on the computer and saw a couple people talking about how their times were off. I KNEW I passed under the clock at 5:05 and I looked at my results again, they said I passed at 5:08. They are three minutes off! It made me feel so much better! My watch distance said 26.44 in 4:55:17. So really I did do my 26.2 miles in under 5 hours..
I am pretty happy about it. And even though At mile 24 I thought this was worse than natural child birth I was thinking about my next marathon two hours later. How can I NOT do that again... The only question is when? WILL I do Ogden again next year? I feel like I HAVE to beat my time!! I am going to take cross training seriously because I see how well it benefited my friend. So I know it will make me a stronger runner! And I just know I have to do this again. Next thing... Is the marathon pictures. ugh...
When we got to Wendy's we headed over to the Expo at Union Station.

I was fine I only ate a little bit of it because of my nerves and the chips and salsa lol.
We got a movie and headed back to Bridgette's house got settled in, watched the movie and went to bed. I slept a little. I thought my alarm would go off at 3:10 I woke up at 2:50 so I played on my phone, when my alarm didn't go off I was worried so I checked my alarm and it was to go off at 3:40 lol so I got off my phone and laid in bed drifting, finally alarms started going off.
We got dressed and headed out to the shuttle pick up. Wendy and I were dropped off at the same spot since our pick ups were across the street from each others. We waited around and finally Angela started texting me saying she was there so we went and found her and Wendy left to go to her bus. We goofed off in our nervous selves. Greg, Angela, Charles and Charles' friend were standing waiting for Sonia who then texted saying she was there so we went and found her and her friends.

We finally got on our bus, we were lucky that we got on a shuttle bus, it had a bathroom in it and we all took turns using it. That turned out wonderfully because when we got to the start line the port-o-potties were in the mud! We didn't even have to get in it we just stayed on the road. I said I don't think I am nervous any more I am just so excited! It was soo neat to be up at the start line knowing I was about to run 26.2 miles!! 26.2!! I was soo anxious! They ended up starting about 15 minutes late. but we were finally off! There was a helicopter flying above taking pictures of 3000 crazy people starting to run 26.2 miles! I started off good and found it very difficult to stay in my targeted pace and my watch kept going off telling me to slow down. It was sooo hard to try to stay there when you are running down hill. I finally gave up and turned the alarm off and set a good pace. I ran to about the 3rd water stop and grabbed a drink and walked long enough to drink and kept on going I did this about every 2-3 water stop.
I knew my cousin was running the third leg in the relay so when I was getting close to her exchange I looked all over for her and I watched for her throughout the leg distance and even at her finish but I never saw her. I kept going kind of bummed I didn't see her. During this time we came to an incline. Almost everyone around me was walking so I started to walk and thought this is crazy I feel great so I got back to running (I only walked about 10-15 steps). I ran clear through to mile 17 when I really started to hurt (this is also where I had trouble in training). My legs started to hurt, and I tried to run but would start walking a little more and more.

I didn't know if I wanted to collapse or what I was in a huge daze. I didn't know where to go or what to do. I told Don to go back to the kids. so he did. I went and got an orange slice and just wanted to sit but the grass was all wet. I found a dry spot and sat for a few minutesI knew i had beaten the 5 hour mark. My watch said 4:55 so I sent a text to my friends that I finished in 4:55. Then my phone pretty much died. i got back up and walked around in soo much pain. I couldn't stand in line for a massage so I decided to leave the runners area and find my family. I wanted to go home. We went and bought my 26.2 charm and then walked to the car. Drove to Bridgette's and got my stuff and headed home.
I had to stop twice at the bathrooms. I rarely had to stop when I trained so this was discouraging to me. But they were VERY quick stops! although the second one I just wanted to sit... I forgot I had stopped my watch when I went in the bathroom but I was still confidant I made my 5 hour goal because I passed in front of the 5 hour pacer and she should have finished about 3 minutes before the 5 hour point.

Waited all day for results to be posted but they never were. I finally saw on facebook that they were posted and so I went and looked it up. My heart sank, I almost cried it said 5:00:18. How could I have missed my goal by 18 seconds! 18 SECONDS!!! I was pretty cranky the rest the night. I woke up at 2:30 and couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to get up I got on the computer and saw a couple people talking about how their times were off. I KNEW I passed under the clock at 5:05 and I looked at my results again, they said I passed at 5:08. They are three minutes off! It made me feel so much better! My watch distance said 26.44 in 4:55:17. So really I did do my 26.2 miles in under 5 hours..

I am pretty happy about it. And even though At mile 24 I thought this was worse than natural child birth I was thinking about my next marathon two hours later. How can I NOT do that again... The only question is when? WILL I do Ogden again next year? I feel like I HAVE to beat my time!! I am going to take cross training seriously because I see how well it benefited my friend. So I know it will make me a stronger runner! And I just know I have to do this again. Next thing... Is the marathon pictures. ugh...
Monday, May 9, 2011
in the taper
So I made it the 20 miles! I felt good, legs were so tired at the end but I made it I finally am at the taper. Did the happy dance, then fell down crying... no I wasn't hurt, but my running buddy is!! I can't believe I am going to the Marathon alone!! not sharing that special moment with my cousin JaNae!! I am so heartbroken I have had a hard time getting out to even run. I hardly ran at all last week. I promised myself yesterday I wouldn't slack this week. I would get all my runs in, but here it is Monday afternoon and no run yet today! i had other obligations this morning at the school so I didn't get up early for a run and it has been raining all day so I didn't want to take Sadie out in the stroller. I just need 4 miles, just 4. I hope I can find them!
I look forward to having my marathon over with and like being in the 9th month of pregnancy I keep telling myself I won't do this to myself again but deep down I know I will and I know when I will do it too.
I have signed up for a few more summer runs and I am feeling completely guilty with the Saturdays I am taking. I am ruining our summer hogging it to myself. I have decided to take up trail running and look forward to my first trail run the week after my marathon when we go camping. I have signed up for a trail run series (3 runs) for the summer and I CAN'T WAIT!!
I look forward to having my marathon over with and like being in the 9th month of pregnancy I keep telling myself I won't do this to myself again but deep down I know I will and I know when I will do it too.
I have signed up for a few more summer runs and I am feeling completely guilty with the Saturdays I am taking. I am ruining our summer hogging it to myself. I have decided to take up trail running and look forward to my first trail run the week after my marathon when we go camping. I have signed up for a trail run series (3 runs) for the summer and I CAN'T WAIT!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
this month in training
week after week I have not reached my training miles. the long runs yes, but during the week it has been a struggle. I decide to not get up and to do it later in the day but it usually doesn't happen. I did 20 miles a week ago and it was so horrible. I just didn't know what to do. I felt like I had made a huge mistake, am I even mentally ready for a marathon when I can't make it through a 20 mile training run. well I swept it under the rug, put my chin up and started another week, which happened to be a rest week so I didn't have as many miles. bad news for me. I missed 2 runs but the good part was the 12 miles Saturday which flew by and I had a great pace! I felt fabulous the whole run and really felt like I could have gone further- which makes me think I will most likely stick to half marathons. it is pushing me but doesn't take soo much time like this crazy marathon. this week is my second 20 miler. the day of my 20 miler was the day of the Salt Lake Marathon. Don had decided to do the bike tour. I just love the race atmosphere! It totally pumps you up!! I will definitely do something next year in the many events of the SLM. I have been listening to podcasts while I run, which I am really enjoying! this past saturday I was listening to one and the guy said he started running to run away from himself but in the process found himself. Oh it is beautiful I love it!!
This morning I got up and it sounded like it was pouring rain. It was too dark to see but don said yes it was indeed pouring so I didn't go out. An hour later when we did get up the sky was clearing and I thought I will go out in a couple hours with Sadie in the stroller. so after dropping the kids at school we came home I pulled the stroller out and thought I will wait till 10-10:30 to let it warm up a little. well when I went to go change my clothes and head out it was huge grey clouds out!! so I hurried and put the stroller away and am very sad. I hope I can get out later. I really want to stick to my training this week!
This morning I got up and it sounded like it was pouring rain. It was too dark to see but don said yes it was indeed pouring so I didn't go out. An hour later when we did get up the sky was clearing and I thought I will go out in a couple hours with Sadie in the stroller. so after dropping the kids at school we came home I pulled the stroller out and thought I will wait till 10-10:30 to let it warm up a little. well when I went to go change my clothes and head out it was huge grey clouds out!! so I hurried and put the stroller away and am very sad. I hope I can get out later. I really want to stick to my training this week!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
8 miles to go!!
Today I had 18 on the calendar and I did it!! I DID IT!! I feel good about my training although I have had another week of slackership! lol! I was really scared for this run for the sole fact I had to do it alone! All my friends ran earlier in the week. I texted another friend Angela, She only had 14 to do but her and a bunch of others were meeting so I decided to join with them. Wendy also came down. She ran 8. I did run by myself but I was in a new area but it was so beautiful and different I just loved it and really enjoyed my run. I ran out and back 6 (which makes 12) When I got back everyone was done so I decided to just run home. I estimated it should be pretty close to 6. But it would be better than having to have Wendy wait for me to run another 6 miles. (she drove us there) They thought I was pretty crazy but I was determined to get my 18 in. I really felt good. I got to about 15 and when I stopped at a light I was in major pain and as soon as I started running I couldn't feel it. When I hit 18 I was just about home. I ended up doing 18.47. Feeling good. also I kept thinking I only have to run this many miles 3 more times ha!
ok here is my post for Daily mile.. I liked it better. plus I thought of something else I Wanted to mention. I decided I really do like to run by myself. I like the fact that I can go the pace I want! it makes me much more comfortable. I ran a bout 30 second faster than my original marathon pace. I think I will pace myself at 11 minutes, set my watch to chime if I got over 10:30 or under 11:30. I think this is going well and look forward to my 20 in two weeks!
ok here is my post for Daily mile.. I liked it better. plus I thought of something else I Wanted to mention. I decided I really do like to run by myself. I like the fact that I can go the pace I want! it makes me much more comfortable. I ran a bout 30 second faster than my original marathon pace. I think I will pace myself at 11 minutes, set my watch to chime if I got over 10:30 or under 11:30. I think this is going well and look forward to my 20 in two weeks!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
17 miles......I made it
So this week has been kind of crazy. I switched up some of my days and then thought I was supposed to do 7 but was supposed to do 8, so Monday I got out and did 4 1/2, Tuesday I did 7 (supposed to be 8!) Wednesday Don said he would go with me so we went out and did 5 again, I was gonna do eight but I didn't so I was gonna do 8 on Thursday but never got out, We went to Wasatch Runnings night run and Don did another 5 however I invited Wendy and she came down and I didn't want to leave her alone so I walked 2.5 with her. Soooo Friday I was gonna do the other 8 but my day ended up being too packed so I never got out. I missed a whole run, I did do some biking on the bike machine but it just isn't the same.
Which brings us to today. I stayed up too late last night. I knew I should go to sleep but after the long day I just wanted to lay in bed and watch tv. When I got up this morning I just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep but that isn't gonna get my mile sin now is it... I finally got out of bed and got ready. When I got to the river where I was meeting everyone I just really wasn't feeling it. I don't think I ever did this run. It is hard to run when you don't really want to be there. The last couple miles where hard for me. I think I did all I could to finish the last half mile. It felt like a great accomplishment to say "I just ran 17 miles!!" I could barely walk to the car and to sit down oooow it hurt!! I made it home (called Don on the way home and had him draw a cold bath) somehow got myself out of the car and when I got to the bathroom It was sooooo cold I thought I was gonna cry. it really hurt my ankles! I don't think I really stayed in the full 10 minutes. I got out and don helped me dry off, I went and climbed in bed. I laid down for a few minutes and then got up and I am feeling pretty good except I am tired!! 8 weeks to go!!!
Which brings us to today. I stayed up too late last night. I knew I should go to sleep but after the long day I just wanted to lay in bed and watch tv. When I got up this morning I just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep but that isn't gonna get my mile sin now is it... I finally got out of bed and got ready. When I got to the river where I was meeting everyone I just really wasn't feeling it. I don't think I ever did this run. It is hard to run when you don't really want to be there. The last couple miles where hard for me. I think I did all I could to finish the last half mile. It felt like a great accomplishment to say "I just ran 17 miles!!" I could barely walk to the car and to sit down oooow it hurt!! I made it home (called Don on the way home and had him draw a cold bath) somehow got myself out of the car and when I got to the bathroom It was sooooo cold I thought I was gonna cry. it really hurt my ankles! I don't think I really stayed in the full 10 minutes. I got out and don helped me dry off, I went and climbed in bed. I laid down for a few minutes and then got up and I am feeling pretty good except I am tired!! 8 weeks to go!!!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Canyonlands Half Marathon March 19, 2011
wow where do I start!!
Wendy, Hayley and I left Salt Lake about noon for our 4 hour drive to Moab, Ut. I really don't know what time we got there but we met up with JaNae at the gas station so she could come with us to the expo. Then we walked through the race expo and picked up our bibs, looked at all the fun stuff at the expo! Then we went to the race finish area so Hayley could talk to the head guy. then we headed to dinner at Pasta Joes. Thank goodness Wendy and I shared a plate cuz it was HUGE!! We then headed over to Wendy's friend Trudy's house and crashed there for the night. I think I might have gotten 2 hours sleep :( It was a bad night. Got up at 6:45 and Went and picked up JaNae Laura and Lisa, Wendy and Hayley dropped us off at the bus loading and we waited for their friend Ann (who you will hear more about in the future).
We got on our bus and headed up the canyon. It was sooo windy and chilly!! While we waited we took pictures (I hope are sent to me!) and when it was time we took off our warm clothes and headed to the start line. we waited a little longer and the wind was much worse up there! finally (we were a ways back) but the line started moving forward! EEK! It was happening, my second 1/2 marathon! the thing I wanted most for my birthday!! haha! Off we went! My goal was to finish in 2:10:00. My first half I did in about 2:25:00. that was 15 minutes off my first time! that is huge! it was 7 months ago. I ran I felt soo good I couldn't believe my pace I was keeping I would often look at my watch and see low 9m/m. If I looked down and saw anything over 10 I would speed up. I took gel at the start line, mile 6 and mine 10. I took Gatorade at 4 and 8. water all along the way. I chewed gum most the way too. At mile 9 I started to hear the drums so I took my head phones out and looked around me! I listened to the drums (that were echoing through the canyon) and thought about the people that must have lived here millions of years ago. It is such a beautiful state we live in. I am soo grateful for the opportunity to live here and be this close to the land. As I ran out of the canyon and came upon the drums it was so neat!!
Right after I passed them Lisa came up and smacked my butt and said let's do this!! Let's finish in under 2 hours! that would mean 2 1/2 miles in under 18 minutes. I had a really bad side ache (which I rarely get) and I just couldn't- I should have taken a gel. I really should have to finish. I thought I could finish by 2:05:00. so she helped me over come the side stitch and we sped up but it came back and I had to slow down again :( She ran ahead and I lost her. I gave everything I had to finish. I could barely make it to the finish line. but I did!! I beat my goal time! I came across the line and Hayley yelled for me so I went to her. she took a couple pictures, she showed me Wendy was and I walked over to here. I almost passed out when I got to her so I sat down in her chair! after a few minutes I needed to get something in my body so I went to the food tent. by then everyone in our group of girls was across the line. So we all went to the food tent together. We walked over and got our bags and then Ann left with her husband. We walked around trying to find Laura's husband and family and I lost them when I went to throw something away. so I walked back over to Wendy, decided to use the bathroom and found them again said our goodbyes they were heading to their hotels. I walked around the after race expo then Wendy and Hayley found me, they were done with their shift so we walked around for about 10 minutes and decided to go. We drove home. It hardly seemed like we were there. I love that place! I wish I could have stayed longer and played but I needed to get back. I am so grateful for my Don who supports my running! I wished he was there, I always do at the finish line.
my race results:
females 35-39 136/386
All female-757/2021
gun time 02:10:53.
pace 00:09:47.
chip time 02:08:19. (my watch said 2:08:13)
F 36 F35-39 bib number-3586 WEST JORDAN
Wendy, Hayley and I left Salt Lake about noon for our 4 hour drive to Moab, Ut. I really don't know what time we got there but we met up with JaNae at the gas station so she could come with us to the expo. Then we walked through the race expo and picked up our bibs, looked at all the fun stuff at the expo! Then we went to the race finish area so Hayley could talk to the head guy. then we headed to dinner at Pasta Joes. Thank goodness Wendy and I shared a plate cuz it was HUGE!! We then headed over to Wendy's friend Trudy's house and crashed there for the night. I think I might have gotten 2 hours sleep :( It was a bad night. Got up at 6:45 and Went and picked up JaNae Laura and Lisa, Wendy and Hayley dropped us off at the bus loading and we waited for their friend Ann (who you will hear more about in the future).
We got on our bus and headed up the canyon. It was sooo windy and chilly!! While we waited we took pictures (I hope are sent to me!) and when it was time we took off our warm clothes and headed to the start line. we waited a little longer and the wind was much worse up there! finally (we were a ways back) but the line started moving forward! EEK! It was happening, my second 1/2 marathon! the thing I wanted most for my birthday!! haha! Off we went! My goal was to finish in 2:10:00. My first half I did in about 2:25:00. that was 15 minutes off my first time! that is huge! it was 7 months ago. I ran I felt soo good I couldn't believe my pace I was keeping I would often look at my watch and see low 9m/m. If I looked down and saw anything over 10 I would speed up. I took gel at the start line, mile 6 and mine 10. I took Gatorade at 4 and 8. water all along the way. I chewed gum most the way too. At mile 9 I started to hear the drums so I took my head phones out and looked around me! I listened to the drums (that were echoing through the canyon) and thought about the people that must have lived here millions of years ago. It is such a beautiful state we live in. I am soo grateful for the opportunity to live here and be this close to the land. As I ran out of the canyon and came upon the drums it was so neat!!
Right after I passed them Lisa came up and smacked my butt and said let's do this!! Let's finish in under 2 hours! that would mean 2 1/2 miles in under 18 minutes. I had a really bad side ache (which I rarely get) and I just couldn't- I should have taken a gel. I really should have to finish. I thought I could finish by 2:05:00. so she helped me over come the side stitch and we sped up but it came back and I had to slow down again :( She ran ahead and I lost her. I gave everything I had to finish. I could barely make it to the finish line. but I did!! I beat my goal time! I came across the line and Hayley yelled for me so I went to her. she took a couple pictures, she showed me Wendy was and I walked over to here. I almost passed out when I got to her so I sat down in her chair! after a few minutes I needed to get something in my body so I went to the food tent. by then everyone in our group of girls was across the line. So we all went to the food tent together. We walked over and got our bags and then Ann left with her husband. We walked around trying to find Laura's husband and family and I lost them when I went to throw something away. so I walked back over to Wendy, decided to use the bathroom and found them again said our goodbyes they were heading to their hotels. I walked around the after race expo then Wendy and Hayley found me, they were done with their shift so we walked around for about 10 minutes and decided to go. We drove home. It hardly seemed like we were there. I love that place! I wish I could have stayed longer and played but I needed to get back. I am so grateful for my Don who supports my running! I wished he was there, I always do at the finish line.
my race results:
females 35-39 136/386
All female-757/2021
gun time 02:10:53.
pace 00:09:47.
chip time 02:08:19. (my watch said 2:08:13)
F 36 F35-39 bib number-3586 WEST JORDAN
Friday, March 18, 2011
St Patrick's Day 5k-Happy Birthday to me!

Last year I really wanted to run the st patrick's day 5k even though everyone thought I was crazy well this year I DID IT!!! I had a blast and got another PR!! I beat my previous 5k time by 30 seconds! So this run I had Don, Wendy and Bridgette with me! We met up Monday and bought the fabric for our shorts. I ended up checking the kids outta school I wasn't sure if we would have enough time after they got out to get to the start line and pick up our swag. so we got there early. The run was good! I felt great till about 2.25 then it hit me! There was one girl a bit in front of me and one a bit behind me. I felt I had NOTHING left but as we came up on the last turn I heard the girl behind me and I totally picked it up! I DID not want her beating me!! lol I don't know how close she was but she didn't pass me and I had a strong finish! I am so competitive some times! lol I will try to add some more pictures when I see them posted!
Monday, March 14, 2011
oh ya :)
Hayley said she had found her shoes online for abotu $20 cheaper than the store so I thought hmm, my feet are actually acting like I need new shoes. so I went online found my shoes for 55 (usually 100). I have enough in my piggy bank so I got a pair and also had enough in gift certificates that I got two pair!! they should be here this week!
next step-15 miles!
well actually I went 15 1/2. I felt great! I actually ran 7 the day before and it was the worst run ever! I wanted to cry to think I had to do 15 the following day. I got up early-6am and ran to the river trail and headed North. Hayley met me on her bike about my mile 5-6 and she rode slowly while I ran, It actually slowed me down having her there. but I Over all It was a good pace and faster than my planned marathon pace. I love runs like that I think I fueled well, my only problem was my left hand swelled. I could barely make a fist.
Oh last week I was really sore after my 14 miles so I had decided to do an ice bath. one thing for next time. more ice-it all melted in the 10 minutes I was in the tub! Don laughed and told everyone what I was doing. I feel great today (it is monday now) I was a tinsy bit sore yesterday nothing compared to last week. I am soooo looking forward to this week!! I have my St Patrick's Day 5k on Thursday and the Canyonlands Half Marathon on Saturday! I have a very exciting week!
Oh last week I was really sore after my 14 miles so I had decided to do an ice bath. one thing for next time. more ice-it all melted in the 10 minutes I was in the tub! Don laughed and told everyone what I was doing. I feel great today (it is monday now) I was a tinsy bit sore yesterday nothing compared to last week. I am soooo looking forward to this week!! I have my St Patrick's Day 5k on Thursday and the Canyonlands Half Marathon on Saturday! I have a very exciting week!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
my 2nd 14 mile run
Second time EVER!!
side note: as soon as I walk through the door I am usually on my computer logging my run, if my description feels too long I cut it from Dailymile and bring it here. :) then it always takes a couple days to finish it up
ok I ended up doing this all by myself. I wasn't looking forward to it but it ended up being ok. The first 3-4 miles SUCKED! My foot hurt. I ate a small Clif bar within my first mile, I just wasn't feeling it and thought I am never gonna get through with this attitude. I tried to think happy thoughts with the strong winds slapping me in my face! I ran for 6 miles with the wind hitting me right in the face. I knew if I could just make it to my turning point I would be good. I walked a few times. When I finally made it to the corner I was turning on I was ecstatic! Bonus: it was DOWN HILL!! I really picked up the pace and immediately felt great and I never felt bad or walked again! I ran by the Jordan River Temple, something I have wanted to do for a long time! I was afraid I was taking to long, before I left I figured it would take me about 2 1/2 hours, I was going so slow I kept telling myself with the wind to my back I can make up time, I made it in 2 1/2 hours! Whew! I was able to get Jacob to his practice!
now today is Sunday. My legs are sore, I should have taken an ice bath. I will definitely take on this Saturday as I have 15 miles to go.
I have been thinking how fun it would be to start a running group so I have put it out there to see if I could get some ladies to join me on some runs.
side note: as soon as I walk through the door I am usually on my computer logging my run, if my description feels too long I cut it from Dailymile and bring it here. :) then it always takes a couple days to finish it up
ok I ended up doing this all by myself. I wasn't looking forward to it but it ended up being ok. The first 3-4 miles SUCKED! My foot hurt. I ate a small Clif bar within my first mile, I just wasn't feeling it and thought I am never gonna get through with this attitude. I tried to think happy thoughts with the strong winds slapping me in my face! I ran for 6 miles with the wind hitting me right in the face. I knew if I could just make it to my turning point I would be good. I walked a few times. When I finally made it to the corner I was turning on I was ecstatic! Bonus: it was DOWN HILL!! I really picked up the pace and immediately felt great and I never felt bad or walked again! I ran by the Jordan River Temple, something I have wanted to do for a long time! I was afraid I was taking to long, before I left I figured it would take me about 2 1/2 hours, I was going so slow I kept telling myself with the wind to my back I can make up time, I made it in 2 1/2 hours! Whew! I was able to get Jacob to his practice!
now today is Sunday. My legs are sore, I should have taken an ice bath. I will definitely take on this Saturday as I have 15 miles to go.
I have been thinking how fun it would be to start a running group so I have put it out there to see if I could get some ladies to join me on some runs.
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1st pic- Kennecott Coppermine! I think it is so beautiful! esp covered in snow! 2nd pic- Jordan River Temple next time I will stand in the drive was and take one without the fence! ![]() | |||
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Rambiling thoughts
My miles are starting to pick up. I do 14 this weekend. Since I have lost my running partner due to injury I'm gonna have to do it alone. 14 miles alone. I know I can do it. I will have to do my marathon on my own. It's just hard to think I have to do it alone.
On Tuesday we went and got Don some running shoes. He can't run the full mileage with me but maybe he will run some of it. anyway I was supposed to do 4 yesterday but made it my rest day and we are gonna go to a night run tonight and do the 4, then 7 tomorrow and 14 the next day. Not sure if it was smart for me to change up my rest day....that is 25 miles in 48 hours! ugh!
Update on Napa Valley-did I mention I decided to captain a team for Napa Valley Ragnar. We have finally got a full team I am so excited! It isn't till September.
I find it difficult to pick races, I am continually finding new races I want to do. I found another one. I need a never empty bank account and a family that lets me be gone every weekend. I decided next year I will try to do all different races (except my Ragnar)
On Tuesday we went and got Don some running shoes. He can't run the full mileage with me but maybe he will run some of it. anyway I was supposed to do 4 yesterday but made it my rest day and we are gonna go to a night run tonight and do the 4, then 7 tomorrow and 14 the next day. Not sure if it was smart for me to change up my rest day....that is 25 miles in 48 hours! ugh!
Update on Napa Valley-did I mention I decided to captain a team for Napa Valley Ragnar. We have finally got a full team I am so excited! It isn't till September.
I find it difficult to pick races, I am continually finding new races I want to do. I found another one. I need a never empty bank account and a family that lets me be gone every weekend. I decided next year I will try to do all different races (except my Ragnar)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Rest Week!

I asked Don last night should I get up early and go or just go when I get up. He said to stay in bed and go when I got up so I got a late start, not that I slept in. We were up at 7:30.

6 weeks into my marathon training. I feel good and confident. I am learning more each day. I really need to start on the mental aspect of the marathon so I don't fizzle out that way. I told my cousin I either feel like I can do it or it freaks me out and I am terrified. I hope I am extra confident on race day!
Monday, February 14, 2011
South Davis Sweethearts 5k 2/12/2011
I had been looking forward to this run. It has been a long time since I actually ran a 5k (last spring) my time back then was 29:44 I just wanted to do it in under 30 minutes back then. I know I have gotten faster but I really didn't know what to have as a goal so I never made one, really just to beat my old I guess. I had a bunch of people sign up with me, Hayley, Bridgette, Wendy, my dad and JaNae all signed up on the same day. I was so excited my Dad was gonna do it. I started asking Don if he wanted to and JaNae started asking Tom also (it was a sweethearts run I wanted to do it with my sweetheart!) Well he came out and ran a couple time with me the few weeks before and when I could run the 3 miles I signed him up.
We got up early and headed out to the race in Bountiful. Bridgette had made some cute shorts and shirts for us to be matching (the sisters all had shorts, the family had shirts) well Bridgette fell and hit her head the Sunday before and went to the Dr on Friday and found out she had a concussion and he told her no walking a 5k. I told her to have one of Wendy's girls do it in her place so Rachel came along and did it. When we got there and checked in they told us to go over and sign up for the costume contest so Don and I did for a couple award. The time was here! oh I was excited but as we waited, (they had clock problems) I started getting nervous. I hate that! well finally we were let go! almost 20 minutes late. I got a good pace going and wondered if I started out too fast but I kept going. Picking someone and passing them, that's what I do I pick someone out and tell myself I have to pass them. My first mile had a split of 8:50 the second mile 9:07 the third mile was also 9:08 Don caught up to me at about 3/4 of a mile (I started before him) and he stuck right with me the whole time. I could tell by his breathing he was getting tired. I didn't slow down though he started to fall a little behind but I could still hear him. I kept going but had nothing for a strong finish. I finished a head of him but just a few seconds. With a finish time of 27:46.! I cut almost 2minutes off! I couldn't believe it!Later he told me his knee started hurting at about mile 2 but he ran through the pain.
After everyone came in we waited around for the awards which happened way slow. Don and I got picked for a couple award and we got a cute glove set. you have 2 mittens and one big one that we can hold hands in.
We decided to head home and not wait for placements it was just taking so long. I checked the computer many times on Saturday and again on Sunday and again on Monday and finally they posted the results. I came in 2nd in my division!! OH MY GOSH! I am soo excited! lol Don came in 7th in his which is awesome for his first 5k. 143 out of 455.
I am amazed at how much I have progressed in the last year. Some days I don't feel like I have. But really a year ago a 3 mile run was a lot for my. I was thinking this morning how I used to have a hard time running 6 miles it was HUGE for me. Now I do it all the time no problem. and one day I will even do it under an hour. hopefully some day soo. My pace is getting more consistent. I love running more and more each day
We got up early and headed out to the race in Bountiful. Bridgette had made some cute shorts and shirts for us to be matching (the sisters all had shorts, the family had shirts) well Bridgette fell and hit her head the Sunday before and went to the Dr on Friday and found out she had a concussion and he told her no walking a 5k. I told her to have one of Wendy's girls do it in her place so Rachel came along and did it. When we got there and checked in they told us to go over and sign up for the costume contest so Don and I did for a couple award. The time was here! oh I was excited but as we waited, (they had clock problems) I started getting nervous. I hate that! well finally we were let go! almost 20 minutes late. I got a good pace going and wondered if I started out too fast but I kept going. Picking someone and passing them, that's what I do I pick someone out and tell myself I have to pass them. My first mile had a split of 8:50 the second mile 9:07 the third mile was also 9:08 Don caught up to me at about 3/4 of a mile (I started before him) and he stuck right with me the whole time. I could tell by his breathing he was getting tired. I didn't slow down though he started to fall a little behind but I could still hear him. I kept going but had nothing for a strong finish. I finished a head of him but just a few seconds. With a finish time of 27:46.! I cut almost 2minutes off! I couldn't believe it!Later he told me his knee started hurting at about mile 2 but he ran through the pain.
After everyone came in we waited around for the awards which happened way slow. Don and I got picked for a couple award and we got a cute glove set. you have 2 mittens and one big one that we can hold hands in.
We decided to head home and not wait for placements it was just taking so long. I checked the computer many times on Saturday and again on Sunday and again on Monday and finally they posted the results. I came in 2nd in my division!! OH MY GOSH! I am soo excited! lol Don came in 7th in his which is awesome for his first 5k. 143 out of 455.
I am amazed at how much I have progressed in the last year. Some days I don't feel like I have. But really a year ago a 3 mile run was a lot for my. I was thinking this morning how I used to have a hard time running 6 miles it was HUGE for me. Now I do it all the time no problem. and one day I will even do it under an hour. hopefully some day soo. My pace is getting more consistent. I love running more and more each day
Friday, February 11, 2011
One of those days
I woke up early and laid in bed for 15 minutes and decided to get up and see who was online-boring no one was. :) well I had gotten my running clothes on before I went in the kitchen. i didn't look at the temp, I played online till about 5:45 (when my alarm would have gone off) and saw the 22. BRRRR!! I decided I wasn't gonna go it was just too cold I got back online and was like this is dumb I went out last week or earlier this week it was 23 and SNOWING!! So I said let's do this and I left. I went about a mile and a half (on a new route) and pulled my sleeve up to look at my watch and unknowingly stopped it. I checked again at about 3ish?? and saw that it was stopped! boo!! I was supposed to do 6 miles and didn't know if I would get them because I had stopped it because of the new route. well I came into the neighborhood and was ran around the neighborhood. I felt great and didn't want to stop. I ran around the park three times (knowing it was a mile three times around) and went to head home and saw lights on and so I kept going knowing the kids were up. I really didn't want to stop. I am supposed to do 11 miles in my Marathon training this week and I don't know when I am going to do them now. Tomorrow I have a 5k. I thought Don was gonna go sledding but it looks like he won't be now and he won't want me to leave. Kind of disappointing. I really wish I would have just left when I first got out of bed I could have done my 11 this morning.
Monday, January 31, 2011
his new found love?
oh I was tired today. I decided to not get up early and go. Hayley is taking time off to get her shin splints under control. it was supposed to snow last night and today. I figured I'd find a break and go or just go in the snow if I needed. so I slept in. Don said he would go with me so I said we will have to wait till the kids get home from school. it was pretty chilly today. well mid afternoon it warmed up (to almost 40) and if Don wouldn't have had a customer I would have stuck Sadie in the stroller and went but I know he would have been sad. I think he does like the running maybe, maybe he just likes to be away from the house. We will see when he gets a new job. It was cooler when we did go. He does really well for not running for so long. I think he could actually be pretty fast if he really worked at it! I am really looking forward to our run a week from Saturday.
oh no I might be crazy but I found another half marathon I could fit in with my marathon training... hmmm :) <----wish I could make that huge!
oh no I might be crazy but I found another half marathon I could fit in with my marathon training... hmmm :) <----wish I could make that huge!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
2 weeks down 16 to go!
Don told me he was getting up to go snowmobiling so I made arrangements with my friend to meet about 6:15. well..... Don got home late from hanging with his friends and he said he isn't going till 7:30. Well It's not like I can call my friend that late so I still got up at 6. As I was brushing my teeth I hear the water pouring out of the toilet, no I didn't clog it, the tank cracked!! So I got don he turned the water off and I cleaned up the mess and hurried out the door. I was a few minutes late but we ran. I ran with an friend from my old ward, Karen Tibbets. I saw her out running a few weeks ago so I looked her up on fb to catch up and we decided to run. she ran 3-4 miles with me. After I "dropped" her off at her house I came back to the street to head back down to mine which was a down hill so I turned around a ran up the hill again. At about 7 1/2 miles it was about 730 so I ran past my house to say goodbye to Don but he wasn't out loading so I kept going. I ran out on to the main street and down, turned around at a spot I thought would bring me home in mile and half but it didn't so I ran through my neighborhood. Which also gave me time for a cool down. When I came in the house Don was still here. He was leaving about 8:30, not 7:30. oh well. two weeks training down. I have had a tinsy bit of knee pain but today it was virtually nonexistent. Also my arch is also feeling MUCH better with my new shoes. Today I have a busy day, I am glad I got up early and got through my run good! 16 weeks till I meet my marathon.
Friday, January 28, 2011
new paces
I can't believe how I am progressing. I ran last night 4.6 miles and averaged sub 10! I was soo excited! I got an email a few months ago from a local running store about their night runs they do weekly on Thursdays. I've really been wanting to go. I finally made it last night and ran with some different people. It was a great challenge. I really pushed myself and had a hard time breathing but I did it. It really makes me excited for the 5k in two weeks. I just need to find a good goal for it! my last 5k goal was beat 30 minutes which I did. maybe I should just try to get below 29 min. I am really happy about it! I am so giddy it is ridiculous!
I use a Garmin Forerunner 305 to track my miles. I recently felt I knew my watch enough to start using the heart rate monitor. It is a huge difference I try to keep my heart rate somewhere instead of my pace. I really feel this is what is helping me become stronger. I have felt the better strength since using my HRM.
My cousin Joe uses a website called Garmin connect and encouraged me to also. HOLY COW I LOVE IT!! it is such a fun site! It makes so much better sense than the regular upload site. When I get it figured out some more I can post some of my runs right to here!
I use a Garmin Forerunner 305 to track my miles. I recently felt I knew my watch enough to start using the heart rate monitor. It is a huge difference I try to keep my heart rate somewhere instead of my pace. I really feel this is what is helping me become stronger. I have felt the better strength since using my HRM.
My cousin Joe uses a website called Garmin connect and encouraged me to also. HOLY COW I LOVE IT!! it is such a fun site! It makes so much better sense than the regular upload site. When I get it figured out some more I can post some of my runs right to here!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I forgot!!

to add a picture of my cute board I made today!! Here it is. and note to self... make some slide shows of my running year!!
One day I will get my medal hanger and the medal's will come off but for now.. they are awesome!
I kept telling myself....
that i would do better blogging.. but I haven't.
So Anyway I had bought a pair of Asics back at the end of September-I think. They never did feel right but I kept with them. the past few weeks I have been having major arch pain and I had a hard time running. I am not sure the Mileage in them, some days I would say I don't want to hurt so I would put on my old Saucony's. and wa la no pain! I finally broke down and got a new pair. I was waiting for an extra $100 to come along. Well this past Wednesday I got an email from a local running store. the email was titled save the pig! I opened it and was reading along they said if you put a quarter in a piggy bank for every mile you run after 400 miles (about when you need new shoes) you will have $100 (the cost of new shoes) well this Saturday they would give anyone who came in a piggy bank, and if you bought shoes they would put a couple dollars in it. cool right? Well I didn't have $100 :( so I put it out of my mind but really liked the idea of the quarter per mile. Well Don got paid for a couple of jobs so I took some money and I got me new shoes today! and a piggy with 2 bucks in it (I ran 8 miles this morning too!) so I am a happy owner of new Saucony's that I love! I had them before my Asic's. I seriously can't wait to run on Monday!!
On the topic of running.... I started my first Marathon training this week! I have only been running about 10 miles per week and I jumped to 27 this week. My knee told me so this morning with a couple stings. I also have given up my favorite beverage and it has been hard in the afternoons when I am soo tired and just want a Diet Coke. I have been trying to take little power naps before the kids get home from school.
Upcoming races:
I have a 5k on February 12th. this is called the Sweethearts run. I don't know if my sweet heart wants to run :) but my sister's are and my dad too! I am really looking forward to it!
I also have Canyonlands Half Marathon March 19th. I am excited to put an other half under my belt! I have been getting registered for all the runs I want to do this year and watching for a few more to open up.
In Closing:
I hope my foot pain will cease and I can keep running injury free. oh and my average pace is coming down!! I have also started running with a heart rate monitor which I really like!
So Anyway I had bought a pair of Asics back at the end of September-I think. They never did feel right but I kept with them. the past few weeks I have been having major arch pain and I had a hard time running. I am not sure the Mileage in them, some days I would say I don't want to hurt so I would put on my old Saucony's. and wa la no pain! I finally broke down and got a new pair. I was waiting for an extra $100 to come along. Well this past Wednesday I got an email from a local running store. the email was titled save the pig! I opened it and was reading along they said if you put a quarter in a piggy bank for every mile you run after 400 miles (about when you need new shoes) you will have $100 (the cost of new shoes) well this Saturday they would give anyone who came in a piggy bank, and if you bought shoes they would put a couple dollars in it. cool right? Well I didn't have $100 :( so I put it out of my mind but really liked the idea of the quarter per mile. Well Don got paid for a couple of jobs so I took some money and I got me new shoes today! and a piggy with 2 bucks in it (I ran 8 miles this morning too!) so I am a happy owner of new Saucony's that I love! I had them before my Asic's. I seriously can't wait to run on Monday!!
On the topic of running.... I started my first Marathon training this week! I have only been running about 10 miles per week and I jumped to 27 this week. My knee told me so this morning with a couple stings. I also have given up my favorite beverage and it has been hard in the afternoons when I am soo tired and just want a Diet Coke. I have been trying to take little power naps before the kids get home from school.
Upcoming races:
I have a 5k on February 12th. this is called the Sweethearts run. I don't know if my sweet heart wants to run :) but my sister's are and my dad too! I am really looking forward to it!
I also have Canyonlands Half Marathon March 19th. I am excited to put an other half under my belt! I have been getting registered for all the runs I want to do this year and watching for a few more to open up.
In Closing:
I hope my foot pain will cease and I can keep running injury free. oh and my average pace is coming down!! I have also started running with a heart rate monitor which I really like!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
catch up!
October was a big month! On Oct 9th I got up and ran a 10k (my first official one) and it was great! I then went to a 5k called the undead race. This race was so fun! most everyone was dressed up as zombies or survivor's. I wish I wouldn't have procrastinated on these.
I then headed of to Las Vegas where I learned to play roulette and stayed up late every night! also Don won $500 dollars!! BUT the main reason we went was so I could run the Las Vegas Ragnar :) It was a blast and I didn't journal it :( On to November, I did find a run I did the Utah Human Race 10k which was on Thanksgiving morning. I almost made my goal of finishing under an hour but I did it in like 1:01. :(
Oh in October I registered for the Ogden Marathon!!! EEK! Maybe I already posted that.... I also found a new running partner since Jen stopped running after TOU. I run with a gal Hayley who I went to high school with. She ended up going into a quick in/out surgery on her foot. It wasn;t anything major but it put her out for a couple weeks and then with the Christmas holiday she has grown out of shape. it is amazing how quickly you get out of shape an dhow hard t is to get back in shape.
Well that brings up to today. I got up early and in less than 10 degree weather to run a 5k. a few weeks ago I challenged Wendy and Bridgette to do the couch to 5k program and I would run a 5k with them. That was today Wendy worked so hard an dis really loving running and Bridgette doesn't really care at all, which is fine. But we all did it today. It was a blast! Wendy set a goal to make it in 45 minutes and she achieved the goal!
Well that's the catch up. A new year. Oh I ran 600 Miles last year! I am hoping to double it this year. I have a few 5k I'm looking at a couple half's, at least one full and a couple Ragnar's.
I then headed of to Las Vegas where I learned to play roulette and stayed up late every night! also Don won $500 dollars!! BUT the main reason we went was so I could run the Las Vegas Ragnar :) It was a blast and I didn't journal it :( On to November, I did find a run I did the Utah Human Race 10k which was on Thanksgiving morning. I almost made my goal of finishing under an hour but I did it in like 1:01. :(
Oh in October I registered for the Ogden Marathon!!! EEK! Maybe I already posted that.... I also found a new running partner since Jen stopped running after TOU. I run with a gal Hayley who I went to high school with. She ended up going into a quick in/out surgery on her foot. It wasn;t anything major but it put her out for a couple weeks and then with the Christmas holiday she has grown out of shape. it is amazing how quickly you get out of shape an dhow hard t is to get back in shape.
Well that brings up to today. I got up early and in less than 10 degree weather to run a 5k. a few weeks ago I challenged Wendy and Bridgette to do the couch to 5k program and I would run a 5k with them. That was today Wendy worked so hard an dis really loving running and Bridgette doesn't really care at all, which is fine. But we all did it today. It was a blast! Wendy set a goal to make it in 45 minutes and she achieved the goal!
Well that's the catch up. A new year. Oh I ran 600 Miles last year! I am hoping to double it this year. I have a few 5k I'm looking at a couple half's, at least one full and a couple Ragnar's.
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