I have taken another step~Late spring I jumped on the cycling wagon, got a bike and did some rides. I always said this would be the winter I started to swim, Did I ever believe I would? let me give you some back ground-first off I love the water! I love to be in it I love to look at it! come on!! I'm a Pisces! I should live in it right?? Well when I was three I was at a family reunion up at Bear lake (Utah/Idaho boarder). My cousin (10 years old), let's call him Tommy, decided to take me and another cousin (5 years old), let's call him Bobby, out on a little raft.

You know what's coming right? We went out about 100 yards and Bobby started to rock the boat an we flipped it. This is the first memory I can recall, underwater plants, and I was so scared Jaws was coming for me.

Well Tommy held our heads above the water. I remember looking toward the beach and seeing my aunt Christine with her pants rolled up running toward us knowing I was gonna be ok cuz she was a nurse. And that's all I remember. Nice first memory huh?
So here I am 36 years old and I have had a terrifying fear of deep water. If I get in above my chest I start to panic. Well why am I telling you this big long story?? I attended a masters swim class yesterday! Anyone that knows me knows what a big deal this is for me! It is a huge step!
I can't believe I am doing it! I swam a little. I think once I can keep my hips and legs up and learn to breath while swimming it should come on pretty easy. I am so excited to think that maybe I will be doing a Triathlon next summer! Perhaps I should set a goal to do the Bear Lake Brawl, it is a Tri they do the swim part in Bear Lake. I would definitely feel I have conquered that fear if I can accomplish that!

I also started some other cross training activities and signed up for the Ogden Marathon again! I am excited for next year, I won't have so many events I am gonna work harder for the ones I am doing. This year was quantity, next year is quality! haha!
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