Oh ya! My favorite race of the year!! I was on Team Legs, Breasts and Wings again! Cynthia, Debra, Laura, Lindsay, Sheri and Anne!

JaNae is still injured but she is soo awesome she came and drove so we didn't have to! plus I don't know if I could have done it with out her there!

I was runner 6 this year! During the first leg at the 1/2 to go point Cafe Rio (local restaurant) was there handing out sombrero's to all the runners. If you crossed with it on your head you got a free meal. Sadly mine would not stay on my head and after running almost 7 miles I didn't really care. The run was good and was my best out of the. 6.88 in 1:07.
second run was at about midnight and it was COLD!!! I wish I would have had my gloves! my hand kept going numb.8.23 in 1:33. pretty awful time, I was tired and it was all uphill up a mountain yes seriously up a mountain... When I got to the top and could look down onto the exchange I think the temp dropped 10 degrees-could've been the lake. I dunno!

This was right before my last leg. An easy 3.1 right no. not when your legs are soo sore you can barely walk!! I guess that's what ya get after running and then jumping in a car and not walking again for an hour or so :) 3.1 in 36 minutes. worst 5k pace ever for me!! oh well I had a blast! I love Ragnar! Can't wait till Napa Valley in September!!

this year was especially fun cause I knew Don would be out there running!! He was able to jump on a team with the runners from Wasatch running night runs! This is us at the finishing area! And now I put Ragnar Relay Wasatch Back 2011 in the books! Now I need to round up a team for next year so we can register next week!
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