Saturday, January 29, 2011

2 weeks down 16 to go!

Don told me he was getting up to go snowmobiling so I made arrangements with my friend to meet about 6:15. well..... Don got home late from hanging with his friends and he said he isn't going till 7:30. Well It's not like I can call my friend that late so I still got up at 6. As I was brushing my teeth I hear the water pouring out of the toilet, no I didn't clog it, the tank cracked!! So I got don he turned the water off and I cleaned up the mess and hurried out the door. I was a few minutes late but we ran. I ran with an friend from my old ward, Karen Tibbets. I saw her out running a few weeks ago so I looked her up on fb to catch up and we decided to run. she ran 3-4 miles with me. After I "dropped" her off at her house I came back to the street to head back down to mine which was a down hill so I turned around a ran up the hill again. At about 7 1/2 miles it was about 730 so I ran past my house to say goodbye to Don but he wasn't out loading so I kept going. I ran out on to the main street and down, turned around at a spot I thought would bring me home in mile and half but it didn't so I ran through my neighborhood. Which also gave me time for a cool down. When I came in the house Don was still here. He was leaving about 8:30, not 7:30. oh well. two weeks training down. I have had a tinsy bit of knee pain but today it was virtually nonexistent. Also my arch is also feeling MUCH better with my new shoes. Today I have a busy day, I am glad I got up early and got through my run good! 16 weeks till I meet my marathon.

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