Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mission Accomplished!!

Two posts ago I told you I got in a pool and attempted to swim, I have gone each week at least once well maybe I didn't go the week of Thanksgiving but I have stuck with it, each time getting a little more confident. Last week I was ready to try the full length but chickened out and told myself I might try this week but definitely by the end of the year was my goal. Today Dec 13, almost exactly one month since I started, I swam the full distance. perhaps it was the one on one today. I love the Tuesday/Thursday class because there is hardly anyone in the pool and usually only one other person in the class. As I drove home I told myself " I am stronger today than yesterday." I thought about it and really I should say that every day, What do I do each day that makes me a stronger person than yesterday, whether it is a stronger woman, a stronger mom, a stronger athlete, a stronger wife, a stronger friend.... what am I doing today that will make me stronger tomorrow.. Today I am a stronger athlete! and I am all smiles :)