I ran the Haunted Half, I was a pacer. I love pacing however I have really only paced a few people in. Hopefully this next year I can pace more people in. It feels so rewarding to do that!! I got to about mile 4 and my knee started hurting (this was two weeks after STG). I ended up bailing on LV Ragnar-which was really hard.
Since then I have started running a little bit. I am finding the joy in it again. I am getting really excited for next year and my goals!
last thing I finally did it!!
I'm a Marathon Maniac! # 6194
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Goal for the New Year
My decided goal in the summer was to get over the funk I have been in and go for it! I was planning on doing the Buffalo Run, a 50 miler across the beautiful Antelope Island. Where the buffalo, antelope and all the cute furry animals call home. After St George I decided there is no way I can do it. I just don't know if I could get back to it in time to train for 50 miles in March. I still dreamed deep down of doing it. It is now sold out. Perhaps I won't over do it and get in to run it in 2014.
As the Ogden Marathon lottery process started it was hard not to put in for it. But my bigger goal took hold of me and I was able to survive the whole thing. I have done Ogden for the past two years and really would love to do it again. I have decided 2013 is my Tri year. I am planning on doing the Woman of Steel Triathlon on the same day that they run Ogden. If it goes well and I am feeling ambitious I will then sign up for the Bear Lake Brawl (which is also a triathlon).
I had decided to not plan on a marathon this year but Salt Lake is taunting me. I am trying to win an entry but I think deep down I will end up just paying the big bucks for it. I really want to do it. I am also signed up for the Wicked Witch. the bike ride I relayed in a few months ago. so yes I need to make Charlotte Sometimes (my bike) my best friend this coming spring and summer.
Once the new year comes upon us I will step it up. I feel so much better when I am eating good and exercising. I am still active at the gym, but swimming has slacked. they added a full hour of spin and I sure enjoy it! They also added a Yoga class which is just marvelous!
Life may get in the way but my biggest goal for 2013 is the Triathlon. I am so scared and excited so I know it is the thing to do!
As the Ogden Marathon lottery process started it was hard not to put in for it. But my bigger goal took hold of me and I was able to survive the whole thing. I have done Ogden for the past two years and really would love to do it again. I have decided 2013 is my Tri year. I am planning on doing the Woman of Steel Triathlon on the same day that they run Ogden. If it goes well and I am feeling ambitious I will then sign up for the Bear Lake Brawl (which is also a triathlon).
I had decided to not plan on a marathon this year but Salt Lake is taunting me. I am trying to win an entry but I think deep down I will end up just paying the big bucks for it. I really want to do it. I am also signed up for the Wicked Witch. the bike ride I relayed in a few months ago. so yes I need to make Charlotte Sometimes (my bike) my best friend this coming spring and summer.
Once the new year comes upon us I will step it up. I feel so much better when I am eating good and exercising. I am still active at the gym, but swimming has slacked. they added a full hour of spin and I sure enjoy it! They also added a Yoga class which is just marvelous!
Life may get in the way but my biggest goal for 2013 is the Triathlon. I am so scared and excited so I know it is the thing to do!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
St George Marathon
okay last year my cousin JaNae did STG and loved it soo much she wanted me to do so I hesitantly signed up for the runners series, I went to St George in January and did the St George half then in March we went down and did the Lake to Lake relay. got my guaranteed entry into the hard sought after St George marathon. Still not really wanting to do it, and waiting till the VERY last day I finally signed up. finished of all my spring runs and went into a runners hibernation state. mid July I tried to start my training with no avail. I decided to sign up for a couple of halfs to hopefully kick start my training. It didn't work, I went into STG with a couple halfs run and no more than that since June.
I wasn't nervous just worried since I knew I hadn't trained. Don and I made it to st george just in time to meet up with some friends for dinner, not thinking there was room for us at the table we slipped outside and sat in the fresh air. We ended up speaking with an older couple about running and cycling and triathlons. It was a nice dinner even though we missed our friends.
headed to the expo got my bib, shirt, ect, and saw Tom and JaNae. Made quick arrangements and headed back to the hotel to sleep.
We got up at 3:15 to leave. Melissa drove and Kimberly joined us. We got on the 2nd bus heading up. it was windy and cool at the start, we found an unlit fire and sat around it and someone came and started it. we talked and waited. Finally the start. My hope was to finish-then to finish in under 5 hours. I started with a friend Christine, she was doing a 5 minute walk and a 1 minute run. It was a little faster pace than I wanted so once we hit the hill-Veyo. I dropped back to my own pace.
I was feeling sore, knowing it was because I was so under trained, at mile 14ish my ankle started to hurt a little and it promptly started to bother the back of my knee, mile 16-17 it wrapped around to the front of my knee. I would tell myself to run through the song I was listening to on my ipod, then I could walk. I did that for a while but then I just couldn't any more. it was too much pain. I saw many a sag wagon pass, I even saw a couple people get in. :( That was NOT gonna be me. I had put too much into this race and even though I didn't want to be there I was NOT giving up. I cried for a bit, wished Don was there. it took so long to get to the mile markers. I thought I would be out there all day. I talked to a couple people but they always started running and I could never keep up. The pain came up to my hip. It was really bad and I was actually a little worried I wouldn't make it at this point. And it hurt to run down hill and that was mostly what was left. long sloping hills that you can really pick up pace and get done quick, I had to walk down. I saw a sign that said Liberty blvd. it seemed like eternity until I finally made it to that street!!! There was a bike trail a long side of the road we were on and I kept hoping Don was gonna come but he didn't I texted him letting him know my condition. I hoped to finish in under 5:30 at this point.
We were finally into town, as I turned into town there was a sprinkler thing to run through it felt good, I walked over to the water station and they had candy . I figured I had 3 miles left, I was gonna eat some candy, I got a red vine and a kit kat and ate them up had some water and was on my way. wondering how I was gonna do this. by now I could run for maybe 20 seconds before I was in too much pain. The pain was no longer in my hip. I ran/walked as far as I could. Not long after the candy station Don did come by on his bike and helped me finish, probably a little stronger than I would of if he hadn't. The finish line couldn't get to me quick enough. I was determined to run through it. I walked quickly through the finishers area, grabbed ice cream, chocolate milk, a piece of bread and a plate of food. found Don and we sat on the grass for a while then he went and got my drop bag and we left. Yes I finished. I was pretty miserable, but I have never been so happy to be done!! That was soo long! My watch gives me a moving time of 5:37. :(
happy things-
I found another pair of my FAVORITE shorts at the Nordictrack booth at the expo!! I haven't seen them at their booths since I first got them and this time they were in the clearance bin (only one pair though).
I got to spend time in St George and see God's beautiful creations-Snow Canyon, We gotta bring the kids here!!! I remember being there as a kid!
All along the course I was reminded, by signs, I am pacing The Haunted Half in two weeks and it is gonna be a blast cuz I have a friend running it with me!
my phone is being replaced for free (see sad things),
I finished marathon #5.
sad things-
my knee still is sore and I have a really bad sunburn!
I ran with my phone in my bra and my sweat shorted out my battery charging area so I can't post my pictures.
so that's it. I'm gonna take it easy on the running. I hope I haven't completely burned myself out, I really had planned to do the buffalo run in March-50 miler but I think I'm gonna have to wait. I am gonna spend some time in the pool and on my bike. I really hope I am gonna be ok to run in 2 weeks, and at ragnar LV in a month.
I wasn't nervous just worried since I knew I hadn't trained. Don and I made it to st george just in time to meet up with some friends for dinner, not thinking there was room for us at the table we slipped outside and sat in the fresh air. We ended up speaking with an older couple about running and cycling and triathlons. It was a nice dinner even though we missed our friends.
headed to the expo got my bib, shirt, ect, and saw Tom and JaNae. Made quick arrangements and headed back to the hotel to sleep.
We got up at 3:15 to leave. Melissa drove and Kimberly joined us. We got on the 2nd bus heading up. it was windy and cool at the start, we found an unlit fire and sat around it and someone came and started it. we talked and waited. Finally the start. My hope was to finish-then to finish in under 5 hours. I started with a friend Christine, she was doing a 5 minute walk and a 1 minute run. It was a little faster pace than I wanted so once we hit the hill-Veyo. I dropped back to my own pace.
I was feeling sore, knowing it was because I was so under trained, at mile 14ish my ankle started to hurt a little and it promptly started to bother the back of my knee, mile 16-17 it wrapped around to the front of my knee. I would tell myself to run through the song I was listening to on my ipod, then I could walk. I did that for a while but then I just couldn't any more. it was too much pain. I saw many a sag wagon pass, I even saw a couple people get in. :( That was NOT gonna be me. I had put too much into this race and even though I didn't want to be there I was NOT giving up. I cried for a bit, wished Don was there. it took so long to get to the mile markers. I thought I would be out there all day. I talked to a couple people but they always started running and I could never keep up. The pain came up to my hip. It was really bad and I was actually a little worried I wouldn't make it at this point. And it hurt to run down hill and that was mostly what was left. long sloping hills that you can really pick up pace and get done quick, I had to walk down. I saw a sign that said Liberty blvd. it seemed like eternity until I finally made it to that street!!! There was a bike trail a long side of the road we were on and I kept hoping Don was gonna come but he didn't I texted him letting him know my condition. I hoped to finish in under 5:30 at this point.
We were finally into town, as I turned into town there was a sprinkler thing to run through it felt good, I walked over to the water station and they had candy . I figured I had 3 miles left, I was gonna eat some candy, I got a red vine and a kit kat and ate them up had some water and was on my way. wondering how I was gonna do this. by now I could run for maybe 20 seconds before I was in too much pain. The pain was no longer in my hip. I ran/walked as far as I could. Not long after the candy station Don did come by on his bike and helped me finish, probably a little stronger than I would of if he hadn't. The finish line couldn't get to me quick enough. I was determined to run through it. I walked quickly through the finishers area, grabbed ice cream, chocolate milk, a piece of bread and a plate of food. found Don and we sat on the grass for a while then he went and got my drop bag and we left. Yes I finished. I was pretty miserable, but I have never been so happy to be done!! That was soo long! My watch gives me a moving time of 5:37. :(
happy things-
I found another pair of my FAVORITE shorts at the Nordictrack booth at the expo!! I haven't seen them at their booths since I first got them and this time they were in the clearance bin (only one pair though).
I got to spend time in St George and see God's beautiful creations-Snow Canyon, We gotta bring the kids here!!! I remember being there as a kid!
All along the course I was reminded, by signs, I am pacing The Haunted Half in two weeks and it is gonna be a blast cuz I have a friend running it with me!
my phone is being replaced for free (see sad things),
I finished marathon #5.
sad things-
my knee still is sore and I have a really bad sunburn!
I ran with my phone in my bra and my sweat shorted out my battery charging area so I can't post my pictures.
so that's it. I'm gonna take it easy on the running. I hope I haven't completely burned myself out, I really had planned to do the buffalo run in March-50 miler but I think I'm gonna have to wait. I am gonna spend some time in the pool and on my bike. I really hope I am gonna be ok to run in 2 weeks, and at ragnar LV in a month.
Friday, August 17, 2012
pre race jitters
I don't know why, even after 4 marathons I still feel so unprepared. It drives me batty!! I feel so dumb when I step outside of myself and look in. I know I will be ok. I know I can do it yet it gets to me. that little voice tells me I'm no good and I can't do it. Well guess what I CAN do it! I WILL do it!! This little person inside of me is wrong!!!
oh and ALWAYS before my Sciatic nerve hurts :( I have 6 weeks and it is already acting up! boo
oh and ALWAYS before my Sciatic nerve hurts :( I have 6 weeks and it is already acting up! boo
Thursday, August 2, 2012
where has the time gone!
I guess an update is in order.
Utah Valley did not go as planned! Don and I stuck together but at about 12 Don's IT band acted up. HE barely made it across the finish. About mile 23 I had had enough of him and him of me so I went off and finished. The course was nice but I didn't like running on the highway 80% of the race.
Ragnar-WB I was totally burned out. I should have skipped it all together! Ragnar was the week after UVM. I had 21 miles. might as well been another marathon. Our team name was Harold's Angels. I think that in itself needs a post of it's own. so look for that soon. The next week we had a fun little 5k with all the kids. and then we fast forward to now... August 2nd. I pretty much took July off. I ran a few times but I was totally burned out and as for the marathonn maniac? I have been completely broke so it sits in my email waiting for me to get a little extra $$ I really want a tank too so I am waiting.
Friday, as in tomorrow, I am running a half marathon. The moonlight half. I won't have a watch. I am a lot slower than before so I have no idea when to start. I have tried over the past two weeks to get my butt moving. I am up to running 2-3 times a week instead of once every 10 days lol.
Anna is flying in tonight to do the half with me. I think she will like it!
Utah Valley did not go as planned! Don and I stuck together but at about 12 Don's IT band acted up. HE barely made it across the finish. About mile 23 I had had enough of him and him of me so I went off and finished. The course was nice but I didn't like running on the highway 80% of the race.
Ragnar-WB I was totally burned out. I should have skipped it all together! Ragnar was the week after UVM. I had 21 miles. might as well been another marathon. Our team name was Harold's Angels. I think that in itself needs a post of it's own. so look for that soon. The next week we had a fun little 5k with all the kids. and then we fast forward to now... August 2nd. I pretty much took July off. I ran a few times but I was totally burned out and as for the marathonn maniac? I have been completely broke so it sits in my email waiting for me to get a little extra $$ I really want a tank too so I am waiting.
Friday, as in tomorrow, I am running a half marathon. The moonlight half. I won't have a watch. I am a lot slower than before so I have no idea when to start. I have tried over the past two weeks to get my butt moving. I am up to running 2-3 times a week instead of once every 10 days lol.
Anna is flying in tonight to do the half with me. I think she will like it!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
26.2 miles from Marathon Maniac
There is the pretty cool club called The Marathon Maniac's. You have to be extra cool to join it. ok just kidding but there is some pretty tough criteria. I really didn't think I was there yet but after having both Salt Lake and Ogden pretty close i checked it out and realized I wasn't there yet. then As I ran one day listening to The Marathon Show podcast he said he was gonna be running Utah Valley in June. hmm that would be cool to run with Joe. I started thinking about it and then remembered the MM and checked the criteria again and realized that would do it. I talked to Don he had been doing so well I thought maybe he was ready to take the plunge and do his first full. He sad sure. so I saved up the money to sign us both up. We got one of the last spots because when JaNae went to register the next day it was sold out. :(
SO here I am It has been about 3 weeks since Ogden. I have ran a total of 6 miles since then. Don has been having IT issues since March, he got it under control but it came back this week. Once again I am here 2 days from marathon and totally nervous! I have my great group of Running mom friends that have reassured me again that all will be well.
48 hours from now I will be pounding some pavement, once again mostly down hill. Grasping another marathon under my belt. I really didn't think this time last year I would be at #4 knocking at my door, taunting me. I will prevail and I will get my number and bib and be part of a very special group of people!
SO here I am It has been about 3 weeks since Ogden. I have ran a total of 6 miles since then. Don has been having IT issues since March, he got it under control but it came back this week. Once again I am here 2 days from marathon and totally nervous! I have my great group of Running mom friends that have reassured me again that all will be well.
48 hours from now I will be pounding some pavement, once again mostly down hill. Grasping another marathon under my belt. I really didn't think this time last year I would be at #4 knocking at my door, taunting me. I will prevail and I will get my number and bib and be part of a very special group of people!
Monday, May 21, 2012
It's mind Blogging!!!
I often think about the things I want to blog about while I run but when I sit down I have already blogged them away in my mind. Some times someone will say something and I will remember I wanted to blog about that!
So here are a few of the things I thought about while I ran on Saturday through the beautiful land God has blessed us with!
I usually don't put my music on during the first bit of a long race. I love to listen. As I started down the canyon I listened to everyone's feet. I blocked out the talking and just listened, you know what the pitter patter of 100+ feet sound like? Rain!! Yes! I imagined myself out in the mountains by myself sitting in my camping trailer listening to the rain. It was so beautiful to see the river roaring down the mountain and listening to the rain drop feet. If you have never listened to that gosh ya gotta!! It really is so amazing!!
I have been saying I don't want to do Ogden again but after running it again I think I want to again!! It really is such a gorgeous run!! You just don't get the full impact of the beauty in a car. It all goes by soo fast!!! We ran down toward Pineview Reservoir and the steam off the lake caused some pretty spectacular clouds!!
As we came around I saw some magnificent horses!! They were running through the field!! I felt like I was in a Harry Potter postcard, ya know cuz pictures in the movie move. The mountains behind them the rolling fields! They looked bigger than life!! It was so amazing I just took it in! Beautiful horses!!
I looked out across the lake as we came into the final canyon, and although I really wanted to enjoy the lake I saw so many people standing along the dam cheering their family and friends on I love that they put names on bibs because I loved to hear my name called out. It is so helpful!
While running down the last main canyon into the city there are so many signs! I would just add my name and take the other out. You Can do it Aunt Sheri! We love you Mom! It made me think of all my family who were cheering me on somewhere else!
The last three miles are a struggle. I didn't have the downhill helping me pull I was all on my own. we came around under the road and dozens of people stood cheering me on assuring me there was just a little bit more! and even more signs here! I read everyone one of them with me name. We run along the path and people pull out the sidewalk chalk and write encouraging things along it! Some made me laugh some made me think some made me want to cry, Like the one that said there is only 10 minutes left when I actually had 2 miles which would take me twice as long! One that made me laugh-"Chuck Norris never ran a marathon" or "Chuck Norris runs on a treadmill". One that made me think and want to cry cuz it truly is inspiring was "No half times, no time outs, no substitutions. It must be the only true sport." Those silly things help pass my time! but I am so thankful for the sweet hands that write those to keep us going a couple steps more!
Most of all I am so thankful for my strong legs and body that carried my on for 26.2 miles! (my watch said 26.47!) I feel like I can do anything!
and now for a few pictures I spaced! Start line with my friend MCat and the last one is of my shirt/bib/medal!
And JaNae! I can't believe I didn't get a pic of us!! :,(
So here are a few of the things I thought about while I ran on Saturday through the beautiful land God has blessed us with!
I usually don't put my music on during the first bit of a long race. I love to listen. As I started down the canyon I listened to everyone's feet. I blocked out the talking and just listened, you know what the pitter patter of 100+ feet sound like? Rain!! Yes! I imagined myself out in the mountains by myself sitting in my camping trailer listening to the rain. It was so beautiful to see the river roaring down the mountain and listening to the rain drop feet. If you have never listened to that gosh ya gotta!! It really is so amazing!!
I have been saying I don't want to do Ogden again but after running it again I think I want to again!! It really is such a gorgeous run!! You just don't get the full impact of the beauty in a car. It all goes by soo fast!!! We ran down toward Pineview Reservoir and the steam off the lake caused some pretty spectacular clouds!!
As we came around I saw some magnificent horses!! They were running through the field!! I felt like I was in a Harry Potter postcard, ya know cuz pictures in the movie move. The mountains behind them the rolling fields! They looked bigger than life!! It was so amazing I just took it in! Beautiful horses!!
I looked out across the lake as we came into the final canyon, and although I really wanted to enjoy the lake I saw so many people standing along the dam cheering their family and friends on I love that they put names on bibs because I loved to hear my name called out. It is so helpful!
While running down the last main canyon into the city there are so many signs! I would just add my name and take the other out. You Can do it Aunt Sheri! We love you Mom! It made me think of all my family who were cheering me on somewhere else!
The last three miles are a struggle. I didn't have the downhill helping me pull I was all on my own. we came around under the road and dozens of people stood cheering me on assuring me there was just a little bit more! and even more signs here! I read everyone one of them with me name. We run along the path and people pull out the sidewalk chalk and write encouraging things along it! Some made me laugh some made me think some made me want to cry, Like the one that said there is only 10 minutes left when I actually had 2 miles which would take me twice as long! One that made me laugh-"Chuck Norris never ran a marathon" or "Chuck Norris runs on a treadmill". One that made me think and want to cry cuz it truly is inspiring was "No half times, no time outs, no substitutions. It must be the only true sport." Those silly things help pass my time! but I am so thankful for the sweet hands that write those to keep us going a couple steps more!
Most of all I am so thankful for my strong legs and body that carried my on for 26.2 miles! (my watch said 26.47!) I feel like I can do anything!
and now for a few pictures I spaced! Start line with my friend MCat and the last one is of my shirt/bib/medal!
And JaNae! I can't believe I didn't get a pic of us!! :,(
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Ogden Marathon!!!
WOOHOOO!!!!! Is it ok to start with that??
Well when I ran Salt Lake I really wanted to finish in 4:30 but with the leg cramps and all it just wasn't possible so I set out on that goal again today...I did it!!
I didn't have a good long run between the races till last week and I hoped it wasn't too close to the actual race. I ran good this week, hydrated and carb loaded, um ya who doesn't love carb's!! they are my absolute fave!! Was gonna have someone pick up our packets (mine and Don's) but the opportunity rose for me to hitch a ride with someone so I took it! We headed up last night to pick them up and then came right back and I really wanted to go to bed at that point but I decided to take Cora and her friend to get a movie and candy. I went and laid down on my bed but heard Don a calling so I went out and helped him work on his engine for his '56 Ford. Finally came in the house around 9:30 and took a shower and laid in bed till he came in and lights were out at 10:30. Surprisingly I slept good again.. I woke up about 10 minutes before the alarm was set to go off. We got up-when it went off and after a snooze... and headed over to get Melissa, stopped to get gas-my bad, and headed to get my sister Wendy. Melissa and I were dropped off to meet up with some friends but got the wrong ones ;) we headed over to the buses and met up with JaNae and I also saw my neighbor Yvonne and her sis Yvette. I honestly didn't even feel nervous this morning! I thought it was weird!!
OK so on the bus as soon as we get moving I thought the bus driver was falling asleep because he was rolling his head but We are pretty sure he had turrets or something cause he twitched and moved the whole way up there. It was scary some times.. but we survived the ride and got to the start line! Met up with Yvonne and Yvette again and then headed to the start after a potty break.
I promised myself I wouldn't ruin it by starting off too fast like last year so I took it easy and ran with the 4:30 pacer. I love when a pacer encourages walking and drinking at the water stops. SL they ran right through!! I did end up getting ahead of the pacer at one of the water stops and didn't see them again till later in the race. Even though I tried to take it easy I still worried I was going too fast but kept at the pace because it was comfortable. I walked through all of the water stops and because I ran the course last year I knew the parts that would be easy and the ones that would be hard. I did walk a little bit up the big hill but I was a few minutes ahead my pace chart I knew it would be ok for a breather. When we got to the top there was a water stop with sponges to I wet my neck and kept plugging along (mile 14). Finally we were over the hill climbs and I kicked it back into a comfy pace and took teh down hill with ease. I knew it would be mostly downhill till mile 23. I took advantage of the gravity and let it guide me down. Mile 23 I just wanted to be done, my legs were starting to hurt and I was so tired. I walked a little bit and the pacer caught me. About the same place I was caught last year by the pacer. This time I wasn't gonna let the pacer over take me. I got a gu and some water put on a great song and went for it. I didn't see them again (except when I looked back)!
I was starting to struggle again and had texted Don hoping eh would come help me. I saw a guy in a black tank top and thought gosh what is Don wearing!! I remembered and looked up and saw him far off in the distance running toward me, I was sooo happy to see him. I needed him to get me through those last 2 miles! Sadly he had to listen to me grunt and cry under my breath. It is so painful when you are soo close but so tired and exhausted, not to mention in pain. The toll a marathon takes on a body is so hard! Finally we came around and he said there it is the Finish. WAY DOWN the street I could see a little glimmer of white that was a tent. I tried so hard but had to stop and walk again. I turned around to see how close 4:30 was he was about 200 yards behind me so I walked for a bit and we talked to the guy next to us then I said we gotta go and I ran oh I tried to run, I did. Finally I could read the finish I scanned for the clock. Don got out of the corral cause they won't let him finish with me. the cheers of the crowd get to you, you know. I finally saw the clock and it said 4:29:?? and I almost cried!!! I was gonna do it!!! I was gonna make my goal!! Oh My Gosh! I can't believe I made it!!
I was finally done!!! I could still walk! I got my beautiful medal! I could still walk! I was feeling good! The other marathons I had done I just wanted to go home I was miserable. I walked through the runners area and got a water, bread, little veggie smoothie, chocolate milk. gosh I could have used a bag!! I ate the bread and drank some water, had some of the smoothie, drank down my choc milk. Don hopped the fence and came into the runners area and we sat down and took a couple pictures and talked. I looked at my phone and noticed a missed call from Yvonne, I was like what the heck? so I called her back. She had been taken off the course because she got sick, low on oxygen. :( I wanted to cry with her!!
We sat for a while and then went and met up with Wendy and headed home. I was walking on clouds with my time! Honestly this time last year I didn't think this was possible!!
So now in 3 weeks I will run Utah Valley, I will go in again with a happy positive attitude. Running 3 marathons in 60 days=Marathon Maniac.. I am just planning to run it easy and in less than 5 hours nothing huge like this one. but maybe if I am feeling good I will go for it.. I just don't know!
Well when I ran Salt Lake I really wanted to finish in 4:30 but with the leg cramps and all it just wasn't possible so I set out on that goal again today...I did it!!
I didn't have a good long run between the races till last week and I hoped it wasn't too close to the actual race. I ran good this week, hydrated and carb loaded, um ya who doesn't love carb's!! they are my absolute fave!! Was gonna have someone pick up our packets (mine and Don's) but the opportunity rose for me to hitch a ride with someone so I took it! We headed up last night to pick them up and then came right back and I really wanted to go to bed at that point but I decided to take Cora and her friend to get a movie and candy. I went and laid down on my bed but heard Don a calling so I went out and helped him work on his engine for his '56 Ford. Finally came in the house around 9:30 and took a shower and laid in bed till he came in and lights were out at 10:30. Surprisingly I slept good again.. I woke up about 10 minutes before the alarm was set to go off. We got up-when it went off and after a snooze... and headed over to get Melissa, stopped to get gas-my bad, and headed to get my sister Wendy. Melissa and I were dropped off to meet up with some friends but got the wrong ones ;) we headed over to the buses and met up with JaNae and I also saw my neighbor Yvonne and her sis Yvette. I honestly didn't even feel nervous this morning! I thought it was weird!!
OK so on the bus as soon as we get moving I thought the bus driver was falling asleep because he was rolling his head but We are pretty sure he had turrets or something cause he twitched and moved the whole way up there. It was scary some times.. but we survived the ride and got to the start line! Met up with Yvonne and Yvette again and then headed to the start after a potty break.
I promised myself I wouldn't ruin it by starting off too fast like last year so I took it easy and ran with the 4:30 pacer. I love when a pacer encourages walking and drinking at the water stops. SL they ran right through!! I did end up getting ahead of the pacer at one of the water stops and didn't see them again till later in the race. Even though I tried to take it easy I still worried I was going too fast but kept at the pace because it was comfortable. I walked through all of the water stops and because I ran the course last year I knew the parts that would be easy and the ones that would be hard. I did walk a little bit up the big hill but I was a few minutes ahead my pace chart I knew it would be ok for a breather. When we got to the top there was a water stop with sponges to I wet my neck and kept plugging along (mile 14). Finally we were over the hill climbs and I kicked it back into a comfy pace and took teh down hill with ease. I knew it would be mostly downhill till mile 23. I took advantage of the gravity and let it guide me down. Mile 23 I just wanted to be done, my legs were starting to hurt and I was so tired. I walked a little bit and the pacer caught me. About the same place I was caught last year by the pacer. This time I wasn't gonna let the pacer over take me. I got a gu and some water put on a great song and went for it. I didn't see them again (except when I looked back)!
I was starting to struggle again and had texted Don hoping eh would come help me. I saw a guy in a black tank top and thought gosh what is Don wearing!! I remembered and looked up and saw him far off in the distance running toward me, I was sooo happy to see him. I needed him to get me through those last 2 miles! Sadly he had to listen to me grunt and cry under my breath. It is so painful when you are soo close but so tired and exhausted, not to mention in pain. The toll a marathon takes on a body is so hard! Finally we came around and he said there it is the Finish. WAY DOWN the street I could see a little glimmer of white that was a tent. I tried so hard but had to stop and walk again. I turned around to see how close 4:30 was he was about 200 yards behind me so I walked for a bit and we talked to the guy next to us then I said we gotta go and I ran oh I tried to run, I did. Finally I could read the finish I scanned for the clock. Don got out of the corral cause they won't let him finish with me. the cheers of the crowd get to you, you know. I finally saw the clock and it said 4:29:?? and I almost cried!!! I was gonna do it!!! I was gonna make my goal!! Oh My Gosh! I can't believe I made it!!
I was finally done!!! I could still walk! I got my beautiful medal! I could still walk! I was feeling good! The other marathons I had done I just wanted to go home I was miserable. I walked through the runners area and got a water, bread, little veggie smoothie, chocolate milk. gosh I could have used a bag!! I ate the bread and drank some water, had some of the smoothie, drank down my choc milk. Don hopped the fence and came into the runners area and we sat down and took a couple pictures and talked. I looked at my phone and noticed a missed call from Yvonne, I was like what the heck? so I called her back. She had been taken off the course because she got sick, low on oxygen. :( I wanted to cry with her!!
We sat for a while and then went and met up with Wendy and headed home. I was walking on clouds with my time! Honestly this time last year I didn't think this was possible!!
So now in 3 weeks I will run Utah Valley, I will go in again with a happy positive attitude. Running 3 marathons in 60 days=Marathon Maniac.. I am just planning to run it easy and in less than 5 hours nothing huge like this one. but maybe if I am feeling good I will go for it.. I just don't know!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Las Vegas Ragnar! 2010
Vegas BABY!!!
A week after The Wasatch Back I was on that runners high thinking I could do ANYTHING! My friend from high school, Emily and I chatted back and forth on Facebook she said she thought the relay sounded soo fun she would love to do it one day! well I didn't tell her I had already looked thru the rest and had an eye on Vegas. But I soon told her and we talked about going. I quickly talked with Don about it and his usual sure whatever pushed me over the edge! I immediately wrote her told her I was in. I soon got a message back and I went right the the Ragnar home page and posted in their forum we needed a team! I would go back every day and see how many people had looked at my post cuz I came right out and said we wouldn't be any help if you actually wanted to win. pretty much who wants to slow old women on your team :) well a couple weeks later I got an email! I was sooo excited and posted to Emily to call me as soon as she could! I was heading up to Park City to drop my son off for summer camp but she called on my way there and we chatted and we both were excited. ! I then thought I wonder if Don really is gonna let me do this! I got home before I emailed the captain back and talked to Don. He was for it! With in a day or two of getting on teh team I got another email saying they were looking for more runners so I called JaNae, My BRF (best running friend), and she talked to Tom (her husband) and she was on The Unknown's! I got him the check and then it was the waiting game. Soon time passed quickly and here we are it is all over and I am now blogging it!!
Emily flew in Thursday morning, I picked her up. WOW I haven't seen Emily probably since graduation (ok within a few months of graduating!) which was more years ago than I'd like to remember! She wanted to visit with her gramma so I took her there. I had a bunch to do so I had to be on the ball! Around 2 Don got off work and he came home finished packing his stuff we loaded everything up and headed to the school to pick up the kids, took them to Gramma's, went and picked up Emily and then headed to Tom and JaNae's we all drove down together. Finally on the road about 4:30. Sweet Laura across the street from JaNae brought over a big bag of peanut M&M's. We pulled into Mesquite late Thursday night and checked in then got some food. Us girls all got Spaghetti. As we were eating I got a text from our team captain saying he was checking in. I said should we go meet our team? We had never met any on them. So we went and met almost everyone!
We had talked over the months about changing the name but never did and it is funny cuz by the time we got to Vegas I think there were only a few people who actually knew anyone. Van one: Dan, Michelle (those two are married), Ronn, Mitch, Jason and Doug. Van 2: Nilo, Matt, Alan, JaNae, Emily and me.
We went back to the rooms after dinner. Everyone was pretty tired but we, Anna my sister also came down with us, Don and I went to the casino. Don won $500 in the slots which was awesome!
Tom was sad the next morning when he found out we had gone out with out him. crazy me another 3 hours of sleep that night. arg...
We met our team at 11am to head to our exchange! NIlo was our first runner from our van so as Jason came in Nilo went off. We headed to our next exchange. this really felt different from The Wasatch Back. I think I was really nervous for WB. This time I knew what to expect for the most part. but I was really tired! JaNae ran next, then Matt, Emily and then me. Like I said I was tired! I had only slept maybe 3 hours that night and the night before that I hadn't slept much either. My run was 2.5 miles (the smallest run of the whole race) and marked as easy. I was expecting to do it rather quickly. I did Not do it quickly in fact it wasn't easy at all it was almost all uphill!! 2.5 miles in 26 minutes. I handed off to Alan who was runner 12 so we would soon meet up with our van 2. I was seriously disappointed in myself. In fact I really wanted to cry. I was really tired I climbed in the back totally sad. but everyone was so encouraging and lifted my spirits. We were already 20 minutes ahead of our projected finishing time.
After we handed off We drove to our next stop where we told the husbands to come meet us cuz my phone charger was forgotten. we met them at our stop and they game me the charger and we talked for a while (we really should have been sleeping). as soon as we went up to where everyone else was sleeping we laid down just to get that dreaded phone call that van 1 was getting close so we packed up our stuff and went to meet them. I grabbed the back of the van so I could lay down. I stuck my head phones in and slept till it was my turn to run. good thing I did! this next leg was listed as hard and it was 7.2 miles. I was really worried about this one. it had been a few weeks since I had gone that distance. it turns out this leg was actually the easiest of the three. 7.2 in 1 hour 6 minutes! I have never ran that average pace before! I was soo happy! it was a good boost I needed! after we handed off to Van 2 we cruised to the next major exchange and got to sleep again. However it was soo cold (seriously isn't this Las Vegas??) that we all slept in the van. I stuck my head phone sin my ears and tried to get comfy. I guess there was someone snoring (not me) but they never bothered me. I think I was smart to stick the music in my ears. I still didn't sleep great because it is hard to get comfortable sitting up. once the sun had risen I needed to go to the bathroom and stretch! I didn't want to get back in the van yet so I walked around and decided to head up to the exchange and watch. Oh the smell!!! PANCAKES!! I wasn't passing those up! At the exchanges they have food you can buy and the money goes to something local. this money went to the local school. They were soo delicious and a bonus for something hot in my stomach! I walked around after and decided they had to be getting close so I went back to the van (don't worry I texted them letting them know there were yummy pancakes they didn't want any?!) and everyone was up and starting to get ready. they had worked it out that the next runner would be around a certain time. In my head I thought he'd be about 10 minutes faster so without sharing my opinion I encouraged tehm to get to the exchange quicker but they didn't budge and by the time we got there Jason was waiting :(. Well Nilo took off and we were at it again for our last legs... how did this happen so fast!! We waited soo long and now it was almost over!! well when my leg was up I was ready it was so cold and the wind was howling :( before I even started I had a side ache :(
A week after The Wasatch Back I was on that runners high thinking I could do ANYTHING! My friend from high school, Emily and I chatted back and forth on Facebook she said she thought the relay sounded soo fun she would love to do it one day! well I didn't tell her I had already looked thru the rest and had an eye on Vegas. But I soon told her and we talked about going. I quickly talked with Don about it and his usual sure whatever pushed me over the edge! I immediately wrote her told her I was in. I soon got a message back and I went right the the Ragnar home page and posted in their forum we needed a team! I would go back every day and see how many people had looked at my post cuz I came right out and said we wouldn't be any help if you actually wanted to win. pretty much who wants to slow old women on your team :) well a couple weeks later I got an email! I was sooo excited and posted to Emily to call me as soon as she could! I was heading up to Park City to drop my son off for summer camp but she called on my way there and we chatted and we both were excited. ! I then thought I wonder if Don really is gonna let me do this! I got home before I emailed the captain back and talked to Don. He was for it! With in a day or two of getting on teh team I got another email saying they were looking for more runners so I called JaNae, My BRF (best running friend), and she talked to Tom (her husband) and she was on The Unknown's! I got him the check and then it was the waiting game. Soon time passed quickly and here we are it is all over and I am now blogging it!!
Emily flew in Thursday morning, I picked her up. WOW I haven't seen Emily probably since graduation (ok within a few months of graduating!) which was more years ago than I'd like to remember! She wanted to visit with her gramma so I took her there. I had a bunch to do so I had to be on the ball! Around 2 Don got off work and he came home finished packing his stuff we loaded everything up and headed to the school to pick up the kids, took them to Gramma's, went and picked up Emily and then headed to Tom and JaNae's we all drove down together. Finally on the road about 4:30. Sweet Laura across the street from JaNae brought over a big bag of peanut M&M's. We pulled into Mesquite late Thursday night and checked in then got some food. Us girls all got Spaghetti. As we were eating I got a text from our team captain saying he was checking in. I said should we go meet our team? We had never met any on them. So we went and met almost everyone!
We had talked over the months about changing the name but never did and it is funny cuz by the time we got to Vegas I think there were only a few people who actually knew anyone. Van one: Dan, Michelle (those two are married), Ronn, Mitch, Jason and Doug. Van 2: Nilo, Matt, Alan, JaNae, Emily and me.
We went back to the rooms after dinner. Everyone was pretty tired but we, Anna my sister also came down with us, Don and I went to the casino. Don won $500 in the slots which was awesome!
Tom was sad the next morning when he found out we had gone out with out him. crazy me another 3 hours of sleep that night. arg...
We met our team at 11am to head to our exchange! NIlo was our first runner from our van so as Jason came in Nilo went off. We headed to our next exchange. this really felt different from The Wasatch Back. I think I was really nervous for WB. This time I knew what to expect for the most part. but I was really tired! JaNae ran next, then Matt, Emily and then me. Like I said I was tired! I had only slept maybe 3 hours that night and the night before that I hadn't slept much either. My run was 2.5 miles (the smallest run of the whole race) and marked as easy. I was expecting to do it rather quickly. I did Not do it quickly in fact it wasn't easy at all it was almost all uphill!! 2.5 miles in 26 minutes. I handed off to Alan who was runner 12 so we would soon meet up with our van 2. I was seriously disappointed in myself. In fact I really wanted to cry. I was really tired I climbed in the back totally sad. but everyone was so encouraging and lifted my spirits. We were already 20 minutes ahead of our projected finishing time.
After we handed off We drove to our next stop where we told the husbands to come meet us cuz my phone charger was forgotten. we met them at our stop and they game me the charger and we talked for a while (we really should have been sleeping). as soon as we went up to where everyone else was sleeping we laid down just to get that dreaded phone call that van 1 was getting close so we packed up our stuff and went to meet them. I grabbed the back of the van so I could lay down. I stuck my head phones in and slept till it was my turn to run. good thing I did! this next leg was listed as hard and it was 7.2 miles. I was really worried about this one. it had been a few weeks since I had gone that distance. it turns out this leg was actually the easiest of the three. 7.2 in 1 hour 6 minutes! I have never ran that average pace before! I was soo happy! it was a good boost I needed! after we handed off to Van 2 we cruised to the next major exchange and got to sleep again. However it was soo cold (seriously isn't this Las Vegas??) that we all slept in the van. I stuck my head phone sin my ears and tried to get comfy. I guess there was someone snoring (not me) but they never bothered me. I think I was smart to stick the music in my ears. I still didn't sleep great because it is hard to get comfortable sitting up. once the sun had risen I needed to go to the bathroom and stretch! I didn't want to get back in the van yet so I walked around and decided to head up to the exchange and watch. Oh the smell!!! PANCAKES!! I wasn't passing those up! At the exchanges they have food you can buy and the money goes to something local. this money went to the local school. They were soo delicious and a bonus for something hot in my stomach! I walked around after and decided they had to be getting close so I went back to the van (don't worry I texted them letting them know there were yummy pancakes they didn't want any?!) and everyone was up and starting to get ready. they had worked it out that the next runner would be around a certain time. In my head I thought he'd be about 10 minutes faster so without sharing my opinion I encouraged tehm to get to the exchange quicker but they didn't budge and by the time we got there Jason was waiting :(. Well Nilo took off and we were at it again for our last legs... how did this happen so fast!! We waited soo long and now it was almost over!! well when my leg was up I was ready it was so cold and the wind was howling :( before I even started I had a side ache :(
Taper Tantrum!!
So I have had one bad run after another.. my legs feel heavy and tired, I am NOT eating right, which does what to me? P-A-N-I-C!!
I even texted my cousin yesterday told her I was pretty sure I was gonna die on Saturday. She called and talked me down. I started to think when did this happen. When did I start feeling this way? I think it might have been when I exposed my goal. The one you keep in your head and when ya don't you immediately regret saying anything and don't feel prepared for it. I should be prepared, I could have done it three weeks ago if I wouldn't have gotten those leg cramps. So guess what... From this moment on I will no longer think horrible things happening to me. I will think of that finish line and the clock saying something like 4:29:55 or something. I will eat good the rest of the week, and drink water like CRAZY!!!! It is gonna be perfect weather again!! How can I ask for something better!! I'm gonna go over the course in my head and think about where I had trouble last year and blast through it! I'm not gonna let my negative attitude ruin my goal! and tonight when I go for my last run I'm gonna take it easy and think about how awesome I am!
I'm GONNA DO THIS!! I'm gonna achieve my goal!! OH YES I CAN!
I came across this funny blog on Daily mile. oh yes I have been doing a few of these. I refused to take any responsibility last night for this weekend because of the marathon, I am totally having a taper tantrum.
#3 you don't have me!
I even texted my cousin yesterday told her I was pretty sure I was gonna die on Saturday. She called and talked me down. I started to think when did this happen. When did I start feeling this way? I think it might have been when I exposed my goal. The one you keep in your head and when ya don't you immediately regret saying anything and don't feel prepared for it. I should be prepared, I could have done it three weeks ago if I wouldn't have gotten those leg cramps. So guess what... From this moment on I will no longer think horrible things happening to me. I will think of that finish line and the clock saying something like 4:29:55 or something. I will eat good the rest of the week, and drink water like CRAZY!!!! It is gonna be perfect weather again!! How can I ask for something better!! I'm gonna go over the course in my head and think about where I had trouble last year and blast through it! I'm not gonna let my negative attitude ruin my goal! and tonight when I go for my last run I'm gonna take it easy and think about how awesome I am!
I'm GONNA DO THIS!! I'm gonna achieve my goal!! OH YES I CAN!
I came across this funny blog on Daily mile. oh yes I have been doing a few of these. I refused to take any responsibility last night for this weekend because of the marathon, I am totally having a taper tantrum.
#3 you don't have me!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
1 week to go
Oh baby! We have one week till Marathon #3. Weather looks good! I have had a busy crazy last few weeks and wasn't able to get a long run in till today!! BOO!!! I was able to get out to run 14 this morning, it felt good but my legs were so tired afterward it makes me a little nervous cuz I am going for it!! I am gonna try to make a goal to finish in under 4:30, ya I'm putting it out there!! I want it bad! I just keep telling myself if I wouldn't have had those leg cramps I could have done it at Salt Lake! It is eating at me!! ARG... I put in to do St George I had my reservations but I did it. life is good! I am excited to run next week!! So this morning on my run, Don ran with me and we met up and ran 4 with Hayley. We started a game called "I've got that shirt!" If ya see a runner with a shirt you have at home you yell I've got that shirt!!! haha! it was fun!! ok I am babbling on... updated both blogs today give myself a pat on the back ;)
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Salt Lake Marathon
I DID IT!!! #2 is in the bag! I have been training for so long. It is so hard to get up knowing you have to run 20 miles, and it is just training! I have been using the smartcoach app on my phone and about a week and a half ago I looked at what my marathon time should be and about dropped to the floor! I didn't think it was possible for me to finish in 4.23. No way No how!! I missed a bunch of speed work was my number one concern. I noticed the marathon offered pacers so I started toying with the idea of running with the 4.30 pacer. then I thought maybe i should just go with the 4.45 pacer. I went to the race Saturday morning still not knowing what to do.
I ended up starting with the 4.45 pacer. It felt a little slow to me. So I ran at a comfortable pace which was a bit faster than them. I felt really good. we started at the Legacy Bridge at the UofU and ran down foothill for a little ways and cut down into the neighborhood in Olympus and ran down to Sugarhouse park. As I say Sugarhouse park I was a little confused and saw a ton of half marathoners running toward me so I looked for people I knew but didn't see anyone. As I was doing this I glanced over and noticed a sign telling marathoners to go a different way so I had to cross over and get going the right way. We ran down in and though Sugarhouse park. We made a turn and ran back against the other marathoners so I could see where 4.30 was ahead of me and 4:45 was behind me. As we came back out we met up with the halfers and I was now on the other side running against other runners so I looked for my sisters and right before iIturned off the street I saw Wendy. Anna wasn't with her so I asked if she was in front of or behind her and she said in front. I was feeling tired from the hills in Sugarhouse and had seen a water station ahead so I hurried and took a gu and kept on running. I finally caught a glimpse of the bright green jersey that was the 4:30 pacer. I adventually caught up and ran with them for a few then passed them. They didn't stop at water stops and I walked through them so they caught me many times. Don found me about this time and told me about his bike tour and that he had seen anna and wendy. He rode for a little while with me then decided to go on. I told him to come back in about an hour and a half.
I loved running through streets I had only drove on and many brought back great memories of my past. We ran down a road my cousin had lived on when the kids were little and we had a big Easter egg hunt in her yard! I loved running through Holladay and down one of my favorite streets. I don't know the name of it but I love to go down it because it is so green and beautiful! It was an extra special treat to run it!
We came out on to Van Winkle which is a big cross street here and I could feel the temps heating up. I couldn't find the sunblock in the morning so I went with no protection. I had decided the first first aid tent I saw I would stop and get sunblock on. I saw the mile 15 marker ahead! I couldn't believe I felt so great physically and was this far! I had kept an easy sub 10 min the whole race so far! But this street there wasn't much shade and I was getting hot. I knew Don would be meeting up with me soon. well at least I hoped! I just kept going mile 17 I started feeling really hungry and it was hot! but I kept trudging along keeping 4:30 in my sight. We were still going back and forth but because I was walking through water stops they advanced in front of me. We turned down onto 500 East and I was plotting the finish figuring out which way we would go and Don finally came back again! I was exhausted and hitting my mental wall. He stayed with me a while. In mile 20 my calf got a cramp so I stopped and walked and then ran again feeling fine, then it knotted again and almost had me on the ground. I rubbed it out and then stretched it. Then told Don to go find me some icey hot. He seemed like we was gone for soo long but I ran when I could a stretched and rubbed when I couldn't.
One thing I REALLY love about this race is teh spectators I felt like I was in a parade! The streets were lined with people cheering everyone on!! I love to read the signs and tear up when I see one that says mommy or daddy cuz it make me think of my kids. I kept wishing people would have a hose to spray me and finally I found someone who did! It was so warm I would walk through the water stops get a cup pour it on my head then get two to drink.
Finally Don came back I was still cramping and he said he had to go buy a bottle of it so we sprayed it on my legs and I was able to run again for a while. He told me the way of the rest of the course and I could finally see Liberty park, but I was done, I wanted to stop it was soooo much further (2 miles?). They came back. I walked a lot. He was off talking to another runner and I looked down and I could see the big divots in my leg that were the cramps. I didn't know what to do I just stopped and rubbed them wanting to scream because they hurt so bad. I told my legs just a little bit longer we can do this! I rubbed them more and Don was back.We sprayed more on and I kept going. I was now onto State Street. less than 2 to go.. then less than one and a hill was staring me in the face. I hurt so bad but I knew it was up the slight incline (that looked like a mountain) and around the corner. I had taken a wrong turn that morning and saw the finish line so I knew EXACTLY where I had to go. I walked up that hill. When I got to the top the volunteer/cop at the top said 4 blocks! You are almost there!! I tried to run but the cramps had a hold of me again I walked/hobbled/limped as much as i could until I could get a trot going on! I just wanted to stop and cry! I could see it that big red sign F-I-N-I-S-H. I didn't know if I could make it, but the little voice inside me said oh yes you can, the pain was horrible but with Don by my side and hundreds of people yelling I glanced at my watch and saw 4:44 on my time and I ran as hard as my cramped legs would let me. I eventually made my way over the mats and thought I was going to collapse. But I had made my goal! well one of them my mid goal. :) I am soo grateful for my active body! I am thankful I can run and be able to run 26.2 miles!!!
My official time was 4:44:46! PR by over 15 minutes!
here is a glimpse of my splits
I ended up starting with the 4.45 pacer. It felt a little slow to me. So I ran at a comfortable pace which was a bit faster than them. I felt really good. we started at the Legacy Bridge at the UofU and ran down foothill for a little ways and cut down into the neighborhood in Olympus and ran down to Sugarhouse park. As I say Sugarhouse park I was a little confused and saw a ton of half marathoners running toward me so I looked for people I knew but didn't see anyone. As I was doing this I glanced over and noticed a sign telling marathoners to go a different way so I had to cross over and get going the right way. We ran down in and though Sugarhouse park. We made a turn and ran back against the other marathoners so I could see where 4.30 was ahead of me and 4:45 was behind me. As we came back out we met up with the halfers and I was now on the other side running against other runners so I looked for my sisters and right before iIturned off the street I saw Wendy. Anna wasn't with her so I asked if she was in front of or behind her and she said in front. I was feeling tired from the hills in Sugarhouse and had seen a water station ahead so I hurried and took a gu and kept on running. I finally caught a glimpse of the bright green jersey that was the 4:30 pacer. I adventually caught up and ran with them for a few then passed them. They didn't stop at water stops and I walked through them so they caught me many times. Don found me about this time and told me about his bike tour and that he had seen anna and wendy. He rode for a little while with me then decided to go on. I told him to come back in about an hour and a half.
I loved running through streets I had only drove on and many brought back great memories of my past. We ran down a road my cousin had lived on when the kids were little and we had a big Easter egg hunt in her yard! I loved running through Holladay and down one of my favorite streets. I don't know the name of it but I love to go down it because it is so green and beautiful! It was an extra special treat to run it!
We came out on to Van Winkle which is a big cross street here and I could feel the temps heating up. I couldn't find the sunblock in the morning so I went with no protection. I had decided the first first aid tent I saw I would stop and get sunblock on. I saw the mile 15 marker ahead! I couldn't believe I felt so great physically and was this far! I had kept an easy sub 10 min the whole race so far! But this street there wasn't much shade and I was getting hot. I knew Don would be meeting up with me soon. well at least I hoped! I just kept going mile 17 I started feeling really hungry and it was hot! but I kept trudging along keeping 4:30 in my sight. We were still going back and forth but because I was walking through water stops they advanced in front of me. We turned down onto 500 East and I was plotting the finish figuring out which way we would go and Don finally came back again! I was exhausted and hitting my mental wall. He stayed with me a while. In mile 20 my calf got a cramp so I stopped and walked and then ran again feeling fine, then it knotted again and almost had me on the ground. I rubbed it out and then stretched it. Then told Don to go find me some icey hot. He seemed like we was gone for soo long but I ran when I could a stretched and rubbed when I couldn't.
One thing I REALLY love about this race is teh spectators I felt like I was in a parade! The streets were lined with people cheering everyone on!! I love to read the signs and tear up when I see one that says mommy or daddy cuz it make me think of my kids. I kept wishing people would have a hose to spray me and finally I found someone who did! It was so warm I would walk through the water stops get a cup pour it on my head then get two to drink.
Finally Don came back I was still cramping and he said he had to go buy a bottle of it so we sprayed it on my legs and I was able to run again for a while. He told me the way of the rest of the course and I could finally see Liberty park, but I was done, I wanted to stop it was soooo much further (2 miles?). They came back. I walked a lot. He was off talking to another runner and I looked down and I could see the big divots in my leg that were the cramps. I didn't know what to do I just stopped and rubbed them wanting to scream because they hurt so bad. I told my legs just a little bit longer we can do this! I rubbed them more and Don was back.We sprayed more on and I kept going. I was now onto State Street. less than 2 to go.. then less than one and a hill was staring me in the face. I hurt so bad but I knew it was up the slight incline (that looked like a mountain) and around the corner. I had taken a wrong turn that morning and saw the finish line so I knew EXACTLY where I had to go. I walked up that hill. When I got to the top the volunteer/cop at the top said 4 blocks! You are almost there!! I tried to run but the cramps had a hold of me again I walked/hobbled/limped as much as i could until I could get a trot going on! I just wanted to stop and cry! I could see it that big red sign F-I-N-I-S-H. I didn't know if I could make it, but the little voice inside me said oh yes you can, the pain was horrible but with Don by my side and hundreds of people yelling I glanced at my watch and saw 4:44 on my time and I ran as hard as my cramped legs would let me. I eventually made my way over the mats and thought I was going to collapse. But I had made my goal! well one of them my mid goal. :) I am soo grateful for my active body! I am thankful I can run and be able to run 26.2 miles!!!
My official time was 4:44:46! PR by over 15 minutes!
here is a glimpse of my splits
Monday, April 9, 2012
quick update!
It has been a couple weeks! With spring break last week I kind of forgot to update :) So I ended up not being able to finish the Ironman because of a toothache which turned into a root canal. took three days from my life! SO move forward to Riverton Half. I was able to be a pacer for this run! It was really fun! After my failed attempt at the Shamrock Half getting sick and everything I was about to NOT run Riverton at all. I made a comment on Dailymile and one of the other pacers sent me a message telling me she would be willing to switch spots with me so I could run a slower pace. I am so happy I did! I paced the 2:30 and was able to take it easy and also run the extra 7 miles home and give me my last 20 miler in prep for Salt Lake Marathon. It put me nicely into my taper!!
In case you are wondering what a pacer does they run a certain pace so if someone has a goal to finish in a certain amount of time they run with a pacer and they help them make that goal.
I missed one run last week but plan to stick with it this week and next. I can't believe we are less than two weeks from the marathon!! I am really excited this time and trying to decide how I want to run this because I will have another a month later. Do I want to make a good PR goal or just take it easy so I can make it to the next one. Either way, I feel strong and ready!!
In case you are wondering what a pacer does they run a certain pace so if someone has a goal to finish in a certain amount of time they run with a pacer and they help them make that goal.
I missed one run last week but plan to stick with it this week and next. I can't believe we are less than two weeks from the marathon!! I am really excited this time and trying to decide how I want to run this because I will have another a month later. Do I want to make a good PR goal or just take it easy so I can make it to the next one. Either way, I feel strong and ready!!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

OK It is just an Ironman over a 2 week period! Oh MAN!! If I would have been on the ball I would have stayed at the gym and rode! ACK! It is the bike that is gonna get me!!
Started yesterday here we are
8/26.2 miles run
7/100 miles bike
1200/4000 yards (2.5 miles)swim
I am excited and nervous I have the run and swim plotted out but need to figure out this biking thing! EEK!
After Saturday I needed a new attitude! I decided I would hit the 3 5:30am classes this week, also swim and Ana's Circuit class. I wanted to do a ride with JaNae on Thursday but it doesn't work for her so I will try to get out on my own. I haven't swam for 2 weeks. It was hard at first but I easily fell back into the rhythm. It felt good. My flip turns weren't easy and I need to work on them. I was soo happy to see the leisure pool back opened so I can take the kids now and work on my flip turns while they play in the evening!
Spring is here!! I am so excited to be doing more outside!! I am craving an early morning run! just needs to lighten up a tad more another two weeks and it will happen!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
the birthday run that totally sucked....
ya the title sums it up. The end...
No just kidding. OK I might write about it later but first thing is first! Last August when I did two half's I qualified for what is called a Half Fanatic. I just never had the extra money to spring to be part of their club. Last week a friend posted that she qualified and got it. Well it was my birthday and I got some money so I signed up! yay! I am Half Fanatic #2068.
ok on to the birthday run. I decided to run the Shamrock Half. I tried to get a bunch of peeps to come out with me but only had a few which is fine. so We got up and I didn't really feel great but I felt ok. nothing that would worry me. So I got running and was really wishing I would have brought my fuel belt. I was so thirsty. Finally at mile 4ish they had water stop. Well by then I just felt I needed something more than water so I opted for the gatorade....not a good idea. I immediately started feeling sick and was pretty much nauseous the rest of the race. At mile 11ish I almost fell down when my leg cramped. I have NEVER cried at the end of a race but I bawled my eyes out on this one. I was so glad it was over. I finished in 2:17:36. which is easily 10 minutes slower than I would usually run. It was horrible and devastating but I NEED to remember that I am gonna have races like that. It doesn't matter how strong I feel one day I could be sick the next. I also need to remember even if I think the water stops are good I need to just take my own water. There, I am over it, I am gonna get over this one and look forward to my next run... which I am a pacer for and totally freaked out now!
No just kidding. OK I might write about it later but first thing is first! Last August when I did two half's I qualified for what is called a Half Fanatic. I just never had the extra money to spring to be part of their club. Last week a friend posted that she qualified and got it. Well it was my birthday and I got some money so I signed up! yay! I am Half Fanatic #2068.
ok on to the birthday run. I decided to run the Shamrock Half. I tried to get a bunch of peeps to come out with me but only had a few which is fine. so We got up and I didn't really feel great but I felt ok. nothing that would worry me. So I got running and was really wishing I would have brought my fuel belt. I was so thirsty. Finally at mile 4ish they had water stop. Well by then I just felt I needed something more than water so I opted for the gatorade....not a good idea. I immediately started feeling sick and was pretty much nauseous the rest of the race. At mile 11ish I almost fell down when my leg cramped. I have NEVER cried at the end of a race but I bawled my eyes out on this one. I was so glad it was over. I finished in 2:17:36. which is easily 10 minutes slower than I would usually run. It was horrible and devastating but I NEED to remember that I am gonna have races like that. It doesn't matter how strong I feel one day I could be sick the next. I also need to remember even if I think the water stops are good I need to just take my own water. There, I am over it, I am gonna get over this one and look forward to my next run... which I am a pacer for and totally freaked out now!
Friday, March 9, 2012
20 miles...
So I changed up my training a tad bit. I was supposed to do 20 last week but with the L2L relay I decided to push it back a week. I decided last night to run part of it out to my parent house which is 8 miles. It made the run pretty easy going somewhere and coming back. I almost did the extra 4 before running out there and next time I will. I had given them a time frame to be out there and running the extra 4 would have put me way late because I ended up starting later than I planned, I was hoping it would warm up but it didn't. It was 28° when I left. My goal was to do it in under 4 hours. Which I accomplished. I need to get a recorded and tape some of my thoughts cuz I had a couple things I wanted to blog about but can't remember now. I felt so strong today. At 18 miles I was running a good 10 minute pace and felt so strong. I wish I knew my right pace but because I had stopped at my moms house my watch didn't show my moving time. So it is showing pretty much the same time as I was running my 20 milers last year but I think I could take almost 5 minutes off. I will be running 16 next week and 20 the following two weeks so my goal will be to have those two 20 milers under 3:45 and then under 3:40. I felt very strong and great today! It makes me excited for my marathon. crossing my fingers they get the permits in and approved!! EEK!!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Lake to Lake Relay
This past weekend we headed down to the sunshine of St George Utah for a quick 50 mile relay with Tom and JaNae. It was so beautiful, definitely a rave run. I didn't have my camera on either of my legs but did take some at the finish line.
We headed down on Friday grabbed a bite to eat then headed back to the condo via a road trip to Walmart. We got back about 11ish and went to bed, We had to be to the start by 7:45 and it was a 45 minute drive but we wanted to be early enough for pictures. which I don't have yet.
JaNae was leg one, Tom's friend Susan leg 2, Don was leg 3, I was 4 and Tom was 5. It went so quick I ran one of my best times the first leg and didn't have enough time to recover to do really good my second leg. I only had about 3 hours it seems to recover, and leg two was a difficult dirt road that was very hilly, It's name is The Dirty Hill Climber, It had about three really big hills. It is rewarded with a prize at the end. This year was a sweat towel, which I will post a picture when I get one :)
We finished by 3:30. Our team came in 41 out of 112 teams and 17 out of 51 in our CO-ED division. We did the 50 miles in 7 hours and 23 minutes!
We ended up having to get new tires and had dinner and were able to be home about 10:30pm! like I said, quick trip!
This was a fun run but I don't know if I would do it again.

We headed down on Friday grabbed a bite to eat then headed back to the condo via a road trip to Walmart. We got back about 11ish and went to bed, We had to be to the start by 7:45 and it was a 45 minute drive but we wanted to be early enough for pictures. which I don't have yet.
JaNae was leg one, Tom's friend Susan leg 2, Don was leg 3, I was 4 and Tom was 5. It went so quick I ran one of my best times the first leg and didn't have enough time to recover to do really good my second leg. I only had about 3 hours it seems to recover, and leg two was a difficult dirt road that was very hilly, It's name is The Dirty Hill Climber, It had about three really big hills. It is rewarded with a prize at the end. This year was a sweat towel, which I will post a picture when I get one :)
We finished by 3:30. Our team came in 41 out of 112 teams and 17 out of 51 in our CO-ED division. We did the 50 miles in 7 hours and 23 minutes!
We ended up having to get new tires and had dinner and were able to be home about 10:30pm! like I said, quick trip!
This was a fun run but I don't know if I would do it again.

Thursday, February 23, 2012
oops too many miles today!!
I had my route mapped out an deja vu from last week. My aunt and uncle used to live out here somewhere and I swear I saw the road that we used to turn down so I decided to check it out. I had my watch I can adjust my route accordingly. so off I go down unknown roads only to think I don't remember the road being that long.. well I didn't go the whole way it could have been but I knew the next street down could have been it too.. that one was definitely not it cuz it was a dead end. so off I go back on course I was feeling good and listening to The Marathon Show podcast. which I absolutely love!! It helps the run go quick! So The show finished just about when I got home. I planned to stop and fill my water bottles and go on for the second half. When I got home I remembered I had some coconut water in the fridge and had been wanting to try it out on a run so I filled my water bottle with it. It was strawberry guava flavored and delicious! so I kept changing my course since my first route I had run almost 10 miles. oh brother so I figured approximately in my head and went for it. as I was checking my mileage I stopped my watch. I didn't know I had till about what I thought was a mile later but was more like a mile and a half. I figured I had lost about a mile so Some how thought I needed to go to just over 17 miles and be good. so that's what I did. When I came home I remapped where I had gone and it said 19.16 miles. You know what? I felt GREAT!!! I ran my fastest miles the at about 16 and the mile I lost I know was fast and was looking forward to checking out that too!! oh well!! I am supposed to run 20 next week but because we are going to St George to run Lake to Lake I won't be running it so it is a good compromise. which I though about doing anyway! lol some times mistakes turn out good. It was cold and my legs were freezing I went in shorts so I skipped the ice bath. I am still starving and very thirsty!!! next big run will be in 3 weeks.
oh one more thing.. About The Marathon Show.. oh this is crazy.. Joe, the podcast host, is gonna be at Utah Valley... I have been dieing to meet him. when you listen to him a lot you feel like friends.... do I seriously run another marathon this spring??? really?? should I??? EEK!!! I WANT TOO!!!!! I know DOn will want to cuz it can be his first :) it would be my 4th!!!
oh one more thing.. About The Marathon Show.. oh this is crazy.. Joe, the podcast host, is gonna be at Utah Valley... I have been dieing to meet him. when you listen to him a lot you feel like friends.... do I seriously run another marathon this spring??? really?? should I??? EEK!!! I WANT TOO!!!!! I know DOn will want to cuz it can be his first :) it would be my 4th!!!
Friday, February 17, 2012
long and miserable
I have read or been told you can only do as much as you planned. You can't take another step further. I have lived this many times and yesterday was no exception! I had 16 miles on the plan and was excited to get them going!! I haven't run that far consecutively since the Ogden Marathon last spring!!
My sister Anna was here this past week and she was planning on leaving on Thursday. She planned on leaving about noon so I asked if she could pick up Sadie. According to my calculations I would be about 30 minutes late to get her so Anna agreed to. I got up and got dressed and was gonna drop off my kids a few minutes early so that I could get a jump start on my run but Anna was up and told me to go, she would drop the kids off! YAY! THANK YOU ANNA!!
It was about 31° when I went. 16 miles is long and I planned a route then decided to do an out and back right before I left. I didn't stick to that plan. My foot started hurting at mile 3 and hurt on and off the whole time. :( It seemed like forever getting to 8 miles. I was thankfully for my new playlist on my Shuffle. It is really great to have good upbeat music when you are feeling low.
As I run I kept asking myself why am I punishing myself with another marathon and not just 1 but 2!! WHY!!! SOMEONE TELL ME!!! OK I know why, It is because I know I can, I love to push myself!! and yes I am soo excited to do it!! I really am!! I just can't wait till it is over!! I didn't take pictures which I usually do... I guess it was because I kept on the roads and didn't do any trails. I have no idea how many I am supposed to do next week and I don't really want to look!!
2 weeks till Lake to Lake Relay. I am excited for it!!! Plus I have been going over Ragnar legs and getting things moving for the Wasatch Back and it is making me excited!! the most exciting thing... By the time WB is here I will have 2 more marathons and a century under my belt!
Happy Running~
My sister Anna was here this past week and she was planning on leaving on Thursday. She planned on leaving about noon so I asked if she could pick up Sadie. According to my calculations I would be about 30 minutes late to get her so Anna agreed to. I got up and got dressed and was gonna drop off my kids a few minutes early so that I could get a jump start on my run but Anna was up and told me to go, she would drop the kids off! YAY! THANK YOU ANNA!!
It was about 31° when I went. 16 miles is long and I planned a route then decided to do an out and back right before I left. I didn't stick to that plan. My foot started hurting at mile 3 and hurt on and off the whole time. :( It seemed like forever getting to 8 miles. I was thankfully for my new playlist on my Shuffle. It is really great to have good upbeat music when you are feeling low.
As I run I kept asking myself why am I punishing myself with another marathon and not just 1 but 2!! WHY!!! SOMEONE TELL ME!!! OK I know why, It is because I know I can, I love to push myself!! and yes I am soo excited to do it!! I really am!! I just can't wait till it is over!! I didn't take pictures which I usually do... I guess it was because I kept on the roads and didn't do any trails. I have no idea how many I am supposed to do next week and I don't really want to look!!
2 weeks till Lake to Lake Relay. I am excited for it!!! Plus I have been going over Ragnar legs and getting things moving for the Wasatch Back and it is making me excited!! the most exciting thing... By the time WB is here I will have 2 more marathons and a century under my belt!
Happy Running~
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
South Davis Sweethearts 5k
This 5k marks the one year anniversary of my sweet husband starting his own adventures in running. Last year I signed up for this "sweethearts" run and wanted him to come run it with me. He was so sweet and reluctantly said ok so I signed him up. He ran once before the 5k and I beat him! woohoo!! ok fast forward to this past weekend.... HE has fallin in love with running. in fact he is so stinkin fast!! This 5k he took 8th place over all!!!! Out of 420 people he came in 8th!! I am soo proud of him!! Even though my hobby now costs twice as much :(
ok you came here to read about me not him. ;) I hadn't really thought about PRing or anything just getting out and running the best I could and hopefully placing top 3 in my division since I took 2nd last year. I have been cross training like crazy and marathon training. On Tuesday I felt a little something coming on and felt a little better Wednesday but still wasn't feeling 100% so Thursday I worked out HARD! I did three workouts, I did a sports cycling class, swam and ran 3 miles. Went to Bunko in the evening and on the way home it really started hitting my and I woke up feeling really bad Friday. Thank goodness I didn't have huge expectations for the race. I though well I will just do what I feel, If I am not feeling hot I will run it with one of my sisters or walk it with Bridgette. Oh I didn't mention. We made this one a big family event!! I signed up all my kids and all my sisters came out along with 3 nephews and 1 niece, plus our usual family volunteers! Jacob couldn't run so my nephew took his spot.
So when I woke up on Saturday feeling so sore from Thursday, couldn't breath through my nose, throat made it HURT to swallow. I felt like crap!! I just though I guess I will just walk it. I don't want to sit out. Don got me some cold medicine and we headed out when everyone was ready.
We got there and I could breath again but it was a little cold. We got our bibs on and I went out and stretched out and did a little warm up. We walked to the start line and we were chatting with some friends when all of a sudden they started counting down and we were surrounded by people. We took off and I just told myself don't take off too fast, but I felt great I ran and felt like I was running fast. I didn't want to look at my watch and jinx myself but I knew I was running good. This is the third time running this course so I knew it. when we turned the first corner it is a slight incline and it hits a lot of people and this is where I like to be strong, and I was I passed a lot of people. when we got to the next corner which is about halfway I looked at my watch. it said 13 minutes! whew!! I just kept going and I felt soo good!! I was passing more than being passed. :) When I got to about 2 1/2 I was watching for Don cuz I told him to some back and run with one of my sisters or with Cora. He didn't come and didn't come. I turned the last major corner and was running in when I finally saw him heading out. I was tired!!!! I didn't have a sprint left in me but I pushed a little harder and saw Owen and Sadie cheering me on!! As I ran a cross the line I didn't see a clock but I was SPENT!! I gave it all!!! I looked at my watch and it said 27:05!! I PR'ed!!! WOOHOO!!! I went to the water spot and got me some oranges bagel and water and started walking toward the kids and my mom and they announced they would start calling raffle numbers by bib number so I looked down and read mine in case they called it... they did!! it was the second one called!! YAY!! I walked over to the kids and said I just got called in the raffle so I walked to the tables and got my prize which was a little pink envelope. I walked back to my mom and opened it and it was packed with stuff!! The first thing I pulled out was a $50 GC to Dick's Sporting Goods! then a free pizza and a free smoothie then my mom pulled out the last thing and unfolded it. I seriously started crying when I looked down and read it, it was so unbelievable to me!! It was an entry into the SL marathon!! The marathon I am training for but haven't registered for!! I was soo happy!! I ran back and got Rachel's and Cora's butts running to the finish. After everyone was in it was time for the kids 1k, Owen and Sadie ran it. Don ran with Sadie. We hung around for the awards. There was a big group around the results so I didn't go over to check mine. As they were calling them out I noticed there wasn't anyone around so I went over but Anna stopped me and told me I came in 2nd in my division!!! YAY!!
So another race, Don came in 1st in his age group! I came in 2nd! yippee!!
I just love the South Davis race series!! they are always so organized and they always make it fun!! This is the third time I have done one of their races and I haven't been disappointed!
ok you came here to read about me not him. ;) I hadn't really thought about PRing or anything just getting out and running the best I could and hopefully placing top 3 in my division since I took 2nd last year. I have been cross training like crazy and marathon training. On Tuesday I felt a little something coming on and felt a little better Wednesday but still wasn't feeling 100% so Thursday I worked out HARD! I did three workouts, I did a sports cycling class, swam and ran 3 miles. Went to Bunko in the evening and on the way home it really started hitting my and I woke up feeling really bad Friday. Thank goodness I didn't have huge expectations for the race. I though well I will just do what I feel, If I am not feeling hot I will run it with one of my sisters or walk it with Bridgette. Oh I didn't mention. We made this one a big family event!! I signed up all my kids and all my sisters came out along with 3 nephews and 1 niece, plus our usual family volunteers! Jacob couldn't run so my nephew took his spot.
So when I woke up on Saturday feeling so sore from Thursday, couldn't breath through my nose, throat made it HURT to swallow. I felt like crap!! I just though I guess I will just walk it. I don't want to sit out. Don got me some cold medicine and we headed out when everyone was ready.
We got there and I could breath again but it was a little cold. We got our bibs on and I went out and stretched out and did a little warm up. We walked to the start line and we were chatting with some friends when all of a sudden they started counting down and we were surrounded by people. We took off and I just told myself don't take off too fast, but I felt great I ran and felt like I was running fast. I didn't want to look at my watch and jinx myself but I knew I was running good. This is the third time running this course so I knew it. when we turned the first corner it is a slight incline and it hits a lot of people and this is where I like to be strong, and I was I passed a lot of people. when we got to the next corner which is about halfway I looked at my watch. it said 13 minutes! whew!! I just kept going and I felt soo good!! I was passing more than being passed. :) When I got to about 2 1/2 I was watching for Don cuz I told him to some back and run with one of my sisters or with Cora. He didn't come and didn't come. I turned the last major corner and was running in when I finally saw him heading out. I was tired!!!! I didn't have a sprint left in me but I pushed a little harder and saw Owen and Sadie cheering me on!! As I ran a cross the line I didn't see a clock but I was SPENT!! I gave it all!!! I looked at my watch and it said 27:05!! I PR'ed!!! WOOHOO!!! I went to the water spot and got me some oranges bagel and water and started walking toward the kids and my mom and they announced they would start calling raffle numbers by bib number so I looked down and read mine in case they called it... they did!! it was the second one called!! YAY!! I walked over to the kids and said I just got called in the raffle so I walked to the tables and got my prize which was a little pink envelope. I walked back to my mom and opened it and it was packed with stuff!! The first thing I pulled out was a $50 GC to Dick's Sporting Goods! then a free pizza and a free smoothie then my mom pulled out the last thing and unfolded it. I seriously started crying when I looked down and read it, it was so unbelievable to me!! It was an entry into the SL marathon!! The marathon I am training for but haven't registered for!! I was soo happy!! I ran back and got Rachel's and Cora's butts running to the finish. After everyone was in it was time for the kids 1k, Owen and Sadie ran it. Don ran with Sadie. We hung around for the awards. There was a big group around the results so I didn't go over to check mine. As they were calling them out I noticed there wasn't anyone around so I went over but Anna stopped me and told me I came in 2nd in my division!!! YAY!!
So another race, Don came in 1st in his age group! I came in 2nd! yippee!!
I just love the South Davis race series!! they are always so organized and they always make it fun!! This is the third time I have done one of their races and I haven't been disappointed!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
it might be a training run..
I loaded the marathon training plan on my phone and it said I was supposed to do some miles this week but my hip flexor and right calf have been a little irritated so I didn't do two of my runs. My long run this week called for 10 miles and Don wanted to run them with me but I am so much slower than him We did his 8 instead of going out the extra 2. excuses, excuses..

We ran to the trail and did most of the miles on the trail. It has been a while since I've been down but it felt great! Guess I will try to stick better to my training this week!

We ran to the trail and did most of the miles on the trail. It has been a while since I've been down but it felt great! Guess I will try to stick better to my training this week!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
I made a huge commitment last week....
SO my cousin, JaNae did the ST George Marathon last year. It is a really popular marathon. and while there she found out about their racing series. If you sign up and do 2 of the races in southern Utah (one must be a STG city race) then you don't have to go through the lottery system for STG you are automatically in. Well she signed me up for it! I wasn't even sure I wanted to do it! Well we looked at calendars and figure the St George Half would be good and we planned Lake to Lake which is a short relay (gosh I'm a sucker for relays) and looked at a couple others. well in December I decided I just could do the half so I told her I wasn't gonna do it which pretty much meant I wasn't gonna be doing STG cuz I just didn't have it in me. Well gosh almost every runner friend I had that I talked to were talking about the half and that they were going so I started to want to go but still wasn't sure how I could work it all out money wise, plus Don and Jacob were gonna be in Yellowstone for scouts! Well a few weeks ago one of my new friends (that I hardly know) told me I could go down with her and stay at her friends house! Which meant I only would have to pay for half the gas and the race entry!! Oh so tempting!! So last week at Bunko I was really torn, the price was going up the next day, I hadn't told Don I wanted to do it... but oh man I did!! JaNae says I am gonna do the half! Tom is booking the room tonight! I said I really want to do it too!!! When I had told her I just couldn't do it she didn't plan to do it either. Late Friday night we had some friends over and Don was talking about going Yellowstone and I mentioned the half, And he was like that's fine. so I joked with one of them asking if she wanted to watch the three kids since her husband was going to Vegas with the Air Force. she didn't answer but I went right to the computer and signed up-I had about 2 hours till the price went up. As I sat in front of my computer signing up I realized the commitment I had just made.... I AM doing St George in October!!!
So the trip!! Melissa had invited me to drive down with her and her Husband-that seemed weird and one of the reasons I wasn't sure but I emailed her the next day asking if the offer was still out there and she said of course. I sent Kenz a message asking if she really could watch the kids then sent messages to a few other people asking if they could, My cousin replied back saying ya she could. so I had my sitter and my ride!! Melissa sends me a message a couple days later telling me her husband isn't going and that she is bringing another friend down. A little ease there on my part! Then Kenz texts me back saying yes she can watch the kids. Don said he felt better about her watching the kids so I text my cousin back saying I wouldn't need her after all but might need her in March (Lake to Lake). Everything was looking awesome! We left friday afternoon and headed down. as we came into town we were all so hungry so April (Melissa's friend) called her husband and told him to pick somewhere to eat and we would meet him there. SO we headed to Texas Roadhouse and he wasn't there yet!! so we went in got on the waiting list and had about45 minutes as we walked out he was out there and he told us we totally had time to get our packets so we drove over and got the packets and came back and had dinner. Then went back to their house watched some tv and a movie then went to bed. Got up to leave by 7. As I sat int he room packing my stuff back up I here a strange noise.... I thought Oh no it can't be! I walk over to the window and yes indeed! It was RAINING!! It was supposed to be beautiful and warm and SUNNY!!! it was cold rain too!! So we leave and head back to the Center and meet up with the people Melissa needed to meet up with-she was running it as a pacer. As we sat waiting my cousin Joe walks through the door! so we talked for a few and just hung around waiting for the start. I had not looked at the course or elevation so I had no idea what to expect. As we finally headed to the start line I ran into my next door neighbors sister-my neighbor came down with a fever and a horrible sore throat the night before so she decided not to run. we talked at the start then finally we started.
She and her friend took off. I just took it easy and still felt like I was going to fast. I always kept her in my sight figuring I would catch up eventually. It was just sprinkling and finally it did stop raining at some point during the first few miles.
About mile 2 I finally started feeling good and eased into a comfortable pace, it was a fun hilly course and I had a better pace going up the hills than the flat spots. about mile 4 we were running up a hill and I was so close to my Yvette (neighbors sister) I knew I would finally catch her. I had originally planned to run a bit with her but I felt so awesome I just passed and kept going up the hill!! As I crested the hill and started running down I saw another friends brother (I had met at the start line) and we ran a bit together and I saw the 5 mile marker and said oh I want to take a picture of that! So I stopped and took a picture! I tried to post it to FB but it didn't post. I was at mile five and my time was 50:23 which was an awesome pace. We were in a neighborhood and came upon a bunch of palm trees so I stopped and took a pic,
saw a pretty mountain and took another pic!

lol I was loving this course!! we came onto a trail and as we came around the hills between 8-9 (I think) I could see the finish but I could also see most of the rest of the course lined with runners way out and back. OH I just wanted to run through the fields and weeds to the finish! I looked up to the city and saw the temple and took a picture!

As we came down the hill the rest of the course was pretty flat. A tell tell sign you are getting close to the finish.. the faster runners start coming back to find friends and give encouragement. I kept waiting and waiting and FINALLY saw some one!! It was a good sign although I usually hate it I needed it this run!
About mile 11 it started to sprinkle and then started to down pour about mile 12. 12 1/2 the rain was just pouring down my face the sweat was going in my eyes. I felt like I was crying but wiped my eyes as good as I could and kept going I just needed to get to the viaduct and go under it and I would be able to see the finish. I picked it up and started to go as fast as I could. knowing I could stop the faster I got there!! I finished! WHEW!!! I had to wait for Melissa, she was pacing a slower pace. It was just raining soo much and it was so cold. I saw Joe again, watched for Yvette to come in but never saw her and then as I started to walk back through the finishers area I saw Karen and her brother and took a picture for them! They were heading to Vegas and had made a wager on the race and Karen had won. Saw the pacer before Melissa come in so I knew I still had to wait. So I walked around. I did finally find Yvette but she had already finished but Yvonne was with her so we chatted for a few minutes and I went off to find Melissa and they could go to get out of the rain! I found Melissa we went and stretched then left to head home. April had left her a message saying she had left her coat at the house so we decided to just stop and eat in St George before we headed home. The drive home was quick but we went through a patch of really slippy snowy roads. And saw a pretty rainbow!
It was a fun trip and I totally want to do that course again! So I think I might have had almost 10 people I know run that one! As for JaNae her son ended up being very sick and she ended up not going. I sure hope he is ok!
So the trip!! Melissa had invited me to drive down with her and her Husband-that seemed weird and one of the reasons I wasn't sure but I emailed her the next day asking if the offer was still out there and she said of course. I sent Kenz a message asking if she really could watch the kids then sent messages to a few other people asking if they could, My cousin replied back saying ya she could. so I had my sitter and my ride!! Melissa sends me a message a couple days later telling me her husband isn't going and that she is bringing another friend down. A little ease there on my part! Then Kenz texts me back saying yes she can watch the kids. Don said he felt better about her watching the kids so I text my cousin back saying I wouldn't need her after all but might need her in March (Lake to Lake). Everything was looking awesome! We left friday afternoon and headed down. as we came into town we were all so hungry so April (Melissa's friend) called her husband and told him to pick somewhere to eat and we would meet him there. SO we headed to Texas Roadhouse and he wasn't there yet!! so we went in got on the waiting list and had about45 minutes as we walked out he was out there and he told us we totally had time to get our packets so we drove over and got the packets and came back and had dinner. Then went back to their house watched some tv and a movie then went to bed. Got up to leave by 7. As I sat int he room packing my stuff back up I here a strange noise.... I thought Oh no it can't be! I walk over to the window and yes indeed! It was RAINING!! It was supposed to be beautiful and warm and SUNNY!!! it was cold rain too!! So we leave and head back to the Center and meet up with the people Melissa needed to meet up with-she was running it as a pacer. As we sat waiting my cousin Joe walks through the door! so we talked for a few and just hung around waiting for the start. I had not looked at the course or elevation so I had no idea what to expect. As we finally headed to the start line I ran into my next door neighbors sister-my neighbor came down with a fever and a horrible sore throat the night before so she decided not to run. we talked at the start then finally we started.

About mile 2 I finally started feeling good and eased into a comfortable pace, it was a fun hilly course and I had a better pace going up the hills than the flat spots. about mile 4 we were running up a hill and I was so close to my Yvette (neighbors sister) I knew I would finally catch her. I had originally planned to run a bit with her but I felt so awesome I just passed and kept going up the hill!! As I crested the hill and started running down I saw another friends brother (I had met at the start line) and we ran a bit together and I saw the 5 mile marker and said oh I want to take a picture of that! So I stopped and took a picture! I tried to post it to FB but it didn't post. I was at mile five and my time was 50:23 which was an awesome pace. We were in a neighborhood and came upon a bunch of palm trees so I stopped and took a pic,

lol I was loving this course!! we came onto a trail and as we came around the hills between 8-9 (I think) I could see the finish but I could also see most of the rest of the course lined with runners way out and back. OH I just wanted to run through the fields and weeds to the finish! I looked up to the city and saw the temple and took a picture!

As we came down the hill the rest of the course was pretty flat. A tell tell sign you are getting close to the finish.. the faster runners start coming back to find friends and give encouragement. I kept waiting and waiting and FINALLY saw some one!! It was a good sign although I usually hate it I needed it this run!
About mile 11 it started to sprinkle and then started to down pour about mile 12. 12 1/2 the rain was just pouring down my face the sweat was going in my eyes. I felt like I was crying but wiped my eyes as good as I could and kept going I just needed to get to the viaduct and go under it and I would be able to see the finish. I picked it up and started to go as fast as I could. knowing I could stop the faster I got there!! I finished! WHEW!!! I had to wait for Melissa, she was pacing a slower pace. It was just raining soo much and it was so cold. I saw Joe again, watched for Yvette to come in but never saw her and then as I started to walk back through the finishers area I saw Karen and her brother and took a picture for them! They were heading to Vegas and had made a wager on the race and Karen had won. Saw the pacer before Melissa come in so I knew I still had to wait. So I walked around. I did finally find Yvette but she had already finished but Yvonne was with her so we chatted for a few minutes and I went off to find Melissa and they could go to get out of the rain! I found Melissa we went and stretched then left to head home. April had left her a message saying she had left her coat at the house so we decided to just stop and eat in St George before we headed home. The drive home was quick but we went through a patch of really slippy snowy roads. And saw a pretty rainbow!

Saturday, January 14, 2012
T-14 weeks

I am doing it again. I am planning another marathon.. or 4 this year, ya I'm doing 4... I had my doubts about St George but I am gonna go this next weekend and run the half, then the first weekend in March go back down for a relay. JaNae signed me up for the racers series, I have to do 2 races this year before may then I get an automatic entry into St George.

My first marathon this year will be the Salt Lake Marathon, It is on April 21st and I have had NO motivation to start, in fact the idea has been freaking me out lately. WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!! Ok take a deep breath Sheri, you have done this before.. it is possible! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Yes I CAN!!! Here we go I am gonna get with it and stick to it. I don't have a choice, I can't procrastinate any longer it has got to happen now...


Thursday, January 5, 2012
I love the Gym
Oh yes I do! In fact I love it so much I have greatly neglected my running. :( I did a run on New Years Eve called The Revolution Run. It was at the Olympic Oval (during the 2002 Olympics here in Utah they built a huge speed skating rink with a running track around it). Well the concept was just to run what you wanted in 4 hours. I decided I would do at least a half. well that was all I could push out and I could barely walk afterward. It took me over 3 hours (ok I did play around and walk and stop and talk a bunch!) But still it was soo hard! and I was soo sore!! I need to get back on the running no ifs, ands or buts. I gotta do it. I should be marathon training.....
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