So the trip!! Melissa had invited me to drive down with her and her Husband-that seemed weird and one of the reasons I wasn't sure but I emailed her the next day asking if the offer was still out there and she said of course. I sent Kenz a message asking if she really could watch the kids then sent messages to a few other people asking if they could, My cousin replied back saying ya she could. so I had my sitter and my ride!! Melissa sends me a message a couple days later telling me her husband isn't going and that she is bringing another friend down. A little ease there on my part! Then Kenz texts me back saying yes she can watch the kids. Don said he felt better about her watching the kids so I text my cousin back saying I wouldn't need her after all but might need her in March (Lake to Lake). Everything was looking awesome! We left friday afternoon and headed down. as we came into town we were all so hungry so April (Melissa's friend) called her husband and told him to pick somewhere to eat and we would meet him there. SO we headed to Texas Roadhouse and he wasn't there yet!! so we went in got on the waiting list and had about45 minutes as we walked out he was out there and he told us we totally had time to get our packets so we drove over and got the packets and came back and had dinner. Then went back to their house watched some tv and a movie then went to bed. Got up to leave by 7. As I sat int he room packing my stuff back up I here a strange noise.... I thought Oh no it can't be! I walk over to the window and yes indeed! It was RAINING!! It was supposed to be beautiful and warm and SUNNY!!! it was cold rain too!! So we leave and head back to the Center and meet up with the people Melissa needed to meet up with-she was running it as a pacer. As we sat waiting my cousin Joe walks through the door! so we talked for a few and just hung around waiting for the start. I had not looked at the course or elevation so I had no idea what to expect. As we finally headed to the start line I ran into my next door neighbors sister-my neighbor came down with a fever and a horrible sore throat the night before so she decided not to run. we talked at the start then finally we started.

About mile 2 I finally started feeling good and eased into a comfortable pace, it was a fun hilly course and I had a better pace going up the hills than the flat spots. about mile 4 we were running up a hill and I was so close to my Yvette (neighbors sister) I knew I would finally catch her. I had originally planned to run a bit with her but I felt so awesome I just passed and kept going up the hill!! As I crested the hill and started running down I saw another friends brother (I had met at the start line) and we ran a bit together and I saw the 5 mile marker and said oh I want to take a picture of that! So I stopped and took a picture! I tried to post it to FB but it didn't post. I was at mile five and my time was 50:23 which was an awesome pace. We were in a neighborhood and came upon a bunch of palm trees so I stopped and took a pic,

lol I was loving this course!! we came onto a trail and as we came around the hills between 8-9 (I think) I could see the finish but I could also see most of the rest of the course lined with runners way out and back. OH I just wanted to run through the fields and weeds to the finish! I looked up to the city and saw the temple and took a picture!

As we came down the hill the rest of the course was pretty flat. A tell tell sign you are getting close to the finish.. the faster runners start coming back to find friends and give encouragement. I kept waiting and waiting and FINALLY saw some one!! It was a good sign although I usually hate it I needed it this run!
About mile 11 it started to sprinkle and then started to down pour about mile 12. 12 1/2 the rain was just pouring down my face the sweat was going in my eyes. I felt like I was crying but wiped my eyes as good as I could and kept going I just needed to get to the viaduct and go under it and I would be able to see the finish. I picked it up and started to go as fast as I could. knowing I could stop the faster I got there!! I finished! WHEW!!! I had to wait for Melissa, she was pacing a slower pace. It was just raining soo much and it was so cold. I saw Joe again, watched for Yvette to come in but never saw her and then as I started to walk back through the finishers area I saw Karen and her brother and took a picture for them! They were heading to Vegas and had made a wager on the race and Karen had won. Saw the pacer before Melissa come in so I knew I still had to wait. So I walked around. I did finally find Yvette but she had already finished but Yvonne was with her so we chatted for a few minutes and I went off to find Melissa and they could go to get out of the rain! I found Melissa we went and stretched then left to head home. April had left her a message saying she had left her coat at the house so we decided to just stop and eat in St George before we headed home. The drive home was quick but we went through a patch of really slippy snowy roads. And saw a pretty rainbow!

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