Running for Life!
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Pennies From Heaven

Friday, January 6, 2017
January freeze
Today i am sitting on my couch wishing for days past. Like 3 days ago when it was above freezing but i still didn't go to run because the wind was crazy!! I should have sucked it up and went. Now here i sit in 8° weather, wanting to run but knowing my body is not conditioned for this frozen ice land. The past few days I've been trying to make the hardcore decision on whether or not i want to run a 50 mile race. Is this the year i conquer an ultra? Should I ? Shouldn't I? My April marathon would be a training run. Weird to think Huh? Do i have the time to devote to all those runs? Hmmmm. Knocking on doors asking for answers. Only i know the answer but I really don't....
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Yellowstone Half
Found this sitting in my drafts: 6/2015
Some days opportunities knock. Last January I saw a post on Facebook from a race director needing some help with a race. It was called the Grand Teton Half. I thought it sounded fun and I love being on both sides of a race! I had a phone 'interview' and he said he would love me on the team! Fast forward to last weekend! It was the Teton Half. First I have run one race with Vacation Races, it was Zion 2014 and I loved it!
This race is also through Vacation Races and I felt honored to be apart of it. It was a long two days and as I drive out of Jackson Hole I realized I really wanted to come back and run Yellowstone Half the following week.
By Tuesday I decided I really couldn't afford it and didn't have a spot on the pacing team so I wasn't gonna go. Thursday morning I got a message saying some spots opened and within a couple minutes I had a ride, a spot and a place to stay! So excited!
We pulled into West Yellowstone and went right to packet pickup and got our bibs. Then headed to the hotel to check in. I haven't berm to Yellowstone since I was a young child so everything was new to me. As we were getting ready to leave another van pulled up that had a few more pacers, we ended up getting in their van and heading out to sight see. I really wanted to see animals we saw some elk, buffalo and cranes. And a beautiful sunset.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Pacer bio
Hi! I'm Sheri Sorensen! I ran in high school but stopped after I graduated. I started running again in 2009 to loose a little weight and relieve some stress. I fell in love with it again! I have ran 6 marathons, over 25 half marathons, many 5k's and 10ks. I also learned how to swim and began triathlons in 2014. My favorite distance is the half. I have paced over 15 halfs! I am a busy mom of 4 active kids and have a husband that also runs and cycles! We think having fun while being active is a great thing for our kids to see. We love to plan weekend getaways around races!
My favorite thing about pacing is seeing others accomplish something they didn't think they could. I also love feedback! I am excited to help you achieve your goals! Happy running!
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Six months of running adventures
Today I ran a 5k. It has been a long time since I have ran a 5k-not associated with a tri. I had a lot of thoughts during this run. Let me see if I can find the words that ran through my mind.
I started the year recovering from the flu but ran a half, it was freezing cold. A week or two later I was in St George running another half. A week or two later I ran 12+ miles across a frozen lake. A week or two later a ran a Ragnar Relay in Phoenix AZ. No it isn't the hot/cold thing I was thinking about it is the variety of the runs. A couple weeks ago I ran a 2-woman relay and the transport was a boat down/up the river! In 3 weeks I get to ride a train to the start!! How cool is my running adventures just this year!
I had my temple to temple run, Salt Lake Marathon and today was the sprinkles-hoping for the cherry in a few weeks.
Today I ran for someone, no not in their memory, but because he can't run. This sweet 10yo boy is confined to a wheel chair, so I was his legs and I pushed him while he was in a big stroller. It was so amazing.
I thought about why I ran. It used to always be about me but lately it hasn't. I just love to pace and help other runners. I loved pushing Reese today. It was an incredible day! I was filled with emotion as I crossed the finish line and everyone cheered for him! In 3 more weeks I get the honor of pushing him again for a half marathon, the cherry, but maybe not. Maybe it is just another layer because we are only 6 months into the year!
Monday, May 5, 2014
First ride since the turkey tri!
I am a huge Nervous Nellie when it comes to cycling! It goes to a new level when I hear about accidents too. There was a pretty bad accident a month or two ago where two cyclists were killed. I was terrified to go out. Well I really am to the point I have no choice, I need to go out and get some saddle time. I am doing Woman of Steel and it is next week! I have not been on my bike since November!
I so grateful for spin class to keep my muscles together and strong. The ride was so smooth and I felt really fabulous! I pushed hard and wanted to go further but was on a time restraint. I did a tour with the progressively harder hills. The last hill I have attempted 4 times and today was the second time I made it! Although my legs were screaming I pushed and pushed! I love the feeling of something hard!
Expect more cycling posts! Cuz today is one of those "I love cycling!!" days!
Monday, April 28, 2014
it's like riding a bike.
ok swimming, I forgot I love it! It all came back and I swam just fine! I am less nervous than I was! I imagined being in the pool during the tri, I thought about last year and just focused on my strokes. I loved it. I wish I was faster! There isn't much hope for that but I am happy I can do it!
I am gonna try to go to the pool as much as I can and just keep it going!