Thursday, February 13, 2014

Utah Lake

I really wish I could keep my blog active! I need to take the time for it but I just don't so you get two posts today! I wrote the previous one a week or so again but didn't post it..

Ok So last year a bunch of runners ran across Utah Lake-like ACROSS the lake, cause it is frozen! It looked pretty amazing so marked it in my head to definitely do it the following year. Which I did! And it was pretty amazing! AND people think I am pretty crazy! HA!

The night before the planned run I got a message in my Facebook inbox, it was from a fellow runner, he went to high school with my sister and I went to high school with his brother, my small Utah world! ANYWAY! He had a newspaper reporter who wanted to come out and do some interviews and take pictures and he asked if I would be the contact for it so I was! The article was posted yesterday so I wanted to post it here so I can reference it later! YAY! (I am feelin cool!)

I had a really fun time! We met really early in the morning, there was 23 of us that took off out but only about 18 actually went the full distance. I warmed up and was able to shed my jacket. We started on the West side and ran East-toward the sunrise. When we made it across the lake (6 miles) the snow was pretty hard to run in because you would step and go down another inch. it was like running in soft sand. Also there was open water on the East side too! There was a lot more slush heading back, the sun was up and warming quickly.

My friend Charles Stoddard. I hadn't seen or ran with him a a LONG time! He said he is recovering from being fat!
about 2.5 miles in there is a big fault across the lake. It was scary to cross it but it was solid. the big shards of ICE poking up were a bit daunting!
SELFIE!! Havin a blast!
You can never go wrong with a picture of the sunrise!! A new day!!
Running friends across the lake!
one last gorgeous picture! My view for an hour!

I was in the back end of the group but guess what? I don't mind, I am a slower runner but I get out and I enjoy it!

So in total it was a 12+ mile run! I backed so far off my running last year I couldn't just go out and run this mileage. I am so excited to be to this point again!

Oh another funny thing-cuz I never blog-I came down with the flu on Dec 22nd. :( I recovered so quickly! I ran a half marathon on Jan 4, 15 miles on the 11 and another half on January 18. I went in to the dr office (I did a research medication so I was at the dr a ton) and I was telling them I had already ran 3 half marathons THIS year they couldn't believe it. They said I should be the poster child for the flu! lol.

Pacing, it is worth it

Two years ago my cousin JaNae signed me up to run the St George marathon, remember that?  Well, anyway we signed up for the runners series for St George to get an automatic entry into the marathon , we had to run two races put on by St George. Well, the first race we picked was the STG half, it is in January, I didn't have a way down but had just started at the gym, there was another lady going down so I reached out of my comfort zone and asked if she wanted a buddy for the road.  She said sure so off we went.
I loved the course it was beautiful! It rained crazy but I knew I wanted to eventually do it again. Well this gal was a pacer. She said I should join the group to pace. My ears heard free race entries! Lol. I have been pacing ever since, however my attitude changed quickly. I was really helping people. I LOVED it. I had wanted to do STG half again so as soon as the race was posted I signed up! I also signed up Don to come with me and pace. We were picked to my hearts delight! We have been to hell and back in the past three months and I thought many times about dropping out. I stayed steadfast and we made it to STG and ran. We started out,  lots of people saying they would run with us.  We had one lady actually start with us and stay,  about mile 2 I knew we had another because I had listened to his footsteps and breathing for those two miles.  I dropped back a couple feet and started chatting.  It ended up being another awesome race.  And today I saw this post on Facebook:

Forwarded from the St. George Half Marathon Director:


Not sure who to address this with, but It was my first attempt at the 1/2 marathon, and it was a great success and experience. The best thing was the pacers. I was hoping to break 3 hours with a possible 2:45. I LOVED the pacer idea and decided to try and stay with the 2:30 pacers as long as I could. It was a husband and wife team, and they were awesome. Every time we hit a hill, and I started to drop back, the wife or husband would drop back a bit and encourage me, concentrate on the pace. I wanted to thank the organization for such a fun race, and the 2:30 pacers for all of their help. I finally dropped back a bit over the last mile, but was able to finish in 2:31:43. The two pacers waited at the finish line to see how I was.

Anyway, thank you, and please thank the pacers. It made my experience the best ever.

Ron Mortensen

It seriously makes it all worth it!  I love pacing! It makes my runs more meaningful!