There is the pretty cool club called The Marathon Maniac's. You have to be extra cool to join it. ok just kidding but there is some pretty tough criteria. I really didn't think I was there yet but after having both Salt Lake and Ogden pretty close i checked it out and realized I wasn't there yet. then As I ran one day listening to The Marathon Show podcast he said he was gonna be running Utah Valley in June. hmm that would be cool to run with Joe. I started thinking about it and then remembered the MM and checked the criteria again and realized that would do it. I talked to Don he had been doing so well I thought maybe he was ready to take the plunge and do his first full. He sad sure. so I saved up the money to sign us both up. We got one of the last spots because when JaNae went to register the next day it was sold out. :(
SO here I am It has been about 3 weeks since Ogden. I have ran a total of 6 miles since then. Don has been having IT issues since March, he got it under control but it came back this week. Once again I am here 2 days from marathon and totally nervous! I have my great group of Running mom friends that have reassured me again that all will be well.
48 hours from now I will be pounding some pavement, once again mostly down hill. Grasping another marathon under my belt. I really didn't think this time last year I would be at #4 knocking at my door, taunting me. I will prevail and I will get my number and bib and be part of a very special group of people!