This is my first ever half marathon. A few months ago I decided I wanted to do a half this fall and the one I really wanted to sold out before I finally decided to sign up. I've learned my lesson! I will sign up when I really want to do something! Anyone so this one was by default and I had friends that were doing it so I was talked into doing it. I started to actually train for it about 6 weeks ago and ran up to 12 miles. The past week or so my legs started to feel very heavy and coming into this week they continued to feel sore. I know why I almost doubled my mileage for the month (right now I'm at 97 miles!!) I actually woke up the day of the race and my foot hurt, my knee hurt it was my subconscience trying to psych me out. lol I was mostly anxious during the day. Anxious to get there and be in the moment. I love a good race day party! So I had originally planned to drive down with JaNae, Laura Debra and Kelli but Don couldn't find anyone to hunt with this weekend so I told him I would meet him down at our property and go with him in the morning.
I dropped the kids off to my moms and headed out. As I drove it was pouring rain. It looked cold! The wind was crazy! rain going in every direction. then it cleared up! then it started again!! As you can tell by the title this was not a morning run. We actually pick what time we want to start depending on our pace that would put us over the finish line at midnight without a watch and start at that time. I had planned to start at 9:36. that was about an 11 m/m (mile/minute). JaNae had told me that they were gonna start about 9:50. I told them that is fine I am really a slow runner.
I got down to the park thru the rain at about 6:30 and got my packet and sat in the car hoping it would at least lighten up! and it finally did and the sun even tried to shine thru. The other girls showed up not long after me and we chatted and got all our glow sticks and necklaces attached and got on our 8:30 bus to the start line. by the time we got to the start line (up the canyon) it was dark! We hung around for a while and then all decided to start at 9:25.
too anxious! They started out pretty fast and I didn't really want to so I kind of fell back and they kept trying to wait for me but I told them to go ahead it was all good. I ran and it sprinkled. They stopped at one point and I caught up with them. they started again and got ahead. we had to run just under 2 miles up the canyon then turn around. As we headed back down I caught up with them again and a lady took our picture and they kind of all slowed down but I kept going not wanting to loose my pace. I didn't see them again till mile 7. At one point it was pouring rain!! And the crickets were soo loud! I paused my music to just listen to nature! it was beautiful!! It was soo dark with the cloud cover! I didn't even feellike I was getting wet but it was such a down pour! It lightened up and I hit play and kept on running! So at about mile 3.5 was the first water station which I stopped long enough to be handed a cup of gatorade, drink and dispose of the cup and I was off! I ran As I ran down the canyon there were tons of rolling hills. I decided I would much rather run up a hill than down. It was soo nice when the clouds started to break and I could see the stars! The glow bracelets were driving me crazy so I took them off and I had some stuck in my hair I took them off and my hat and attached my head lamp to my shirt. At mile 7 was the next water station. I drank a cup of water and a cup of gatorade here. It was my longest stop. maybe a minute? as I was getting ready to head off JaNae found me. She had broken from the other girls and was on her own too. we ran for probably 1/4 mile and she went on. she is such a fast runner! so I was again on my own. Mile 8 hit This was my breaking point. I was in pain I hadn't walked except thru the water stations. My knee was really bothering me and I think I was more of a quick up and down walk more than a run. I knew I had to go on and I knew if I stopped I would just hurt more and not get going again so I kept going. Mile nine hit and I thought Oh My gosh only 4 more miles! I can do this!! I got goose bumps after every mile marker after this getting so much closer to my goal. Also along with mile nine my exhaustion was gone and I sped back up and kept a good pace the rest of the race! At the last water station it was awesome we ran thru someones garage (it went thru the corner of a block so it's like we cut the corner) and the water was in there I didn't stop
for that one I yelled out water and someone stuck one in my hand I knew I couldn't stop! at about 11.5 I even sped up knowing I had less than 20 minutes left to run! There was one girl that I would pass and she would pass me, you know the type I paced myself with her for a while and ran along side and she sped up. at about mile 12 I knew I wanted to beat her so I sped up and left her in my dust. I wonder what my mile 12 pace was cuz I felt like I was going pretty fast (for me anyway) as I FINALLY saw the finish coming up people were peeking at their phones and hidden watches a lot of people were walking so I knew I was early but I didn't care my ultimate goal was to be under 2:30. I sped up and passed a few people. as I ran down to the finish line a burst of energy came over me and I totally passed a girl right before the finish line! It was sooo awesome!! I finished at 11:50 (a quick head turn because the timer was hidden). I quickly did the math and was soo happy I exceeded my goal by 5 minutes! Oh as I ran down the line I heard a "Go Sheri!!" awe JaNae was cheering me on! she had finished almost 20 minutes before me. I told her I ran the WHOLE thing!! She said she wished she had not stopped and walked with the other girls. About 5 minutes after me the other 3 came across the line and we met up with them.

This was easier than I thought it was gonna be. I guess I just totally had it built up in my head it was goona be really hard. Right after I knew I can do a marathon! Now I just hope I can wait to do it next spring!
Next race: The Dirty Dash!